
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

CrimeYou're Fired!

DOE Contractor Nabbed Selling Nuke Secrets

Holy Schnikes, this was a close call.  A contractor for the DoE working at the Oak ridge facility was caught by the FBI trying to sell information on how to enrich uranium for use in atomic bombs, along with some type of hardware to help in the process!

From the AP here:

A contract employee at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory was arrested Thursday on charges of stealing classified data about enriching uranium used in nuclear weapons, a law enforcement official said.
The man, who was not immediately identified, does not appear to have any links to terrorists or criminal groups. The man was arrested after selling the stolen data to FBI agents working undercover in Tennessee, the official said.

The materials taken consisted of data and hardware used to make and enhance uranium. They were never transmitted to criminals or terrorists, the official said.

This is another big win for the good guys.  We will likely find out that this was a sting operation based on an internet posting by this traitorous contractor.  Should the contracting company be fired from its contract for hiring traitorous scum?

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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