
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

CrimeRoPStupid People

Jihadists Busted Planning to Attack Ft. Dix

Some scummy Muslims were arrested in the planning stages of an attack against New Jersey’s Army Base of Fort Dix.  They had been training for months in the mountains, and when they tried to purchase automatic weapons from an undercover FBI agent, they were busted. 


The FBI was tipped off by a video store clerk who was disgusted that the bearded worshippers of Mo wanted him to burn a DVD showing them running through the woods practicing terror attacks.

From the AP here:

Six Islamic militants from Yugoslavia and the Middle East were arrested on charges of plotting to attack the Fort Dix Army post and “kill as many soldiers as possible,” authorities said Tuesday.

The FBI was tipped off to the group in early 2006 after someone brought a video to a store to be copied onto DVD, according to the agency’s criminal complaint. The video showed 10 men, including the six arrested, shooting assault weapons in militia style and calling for jihad, the complaint said.

“What concerns us is, obviously, they began conducting surveillance and weapons training in the woods and were discussing killing large numbers of soldiers,” said Justice Department spokesman Dean Boyd.

One of the suspects had a job delivering pizzas to the base and used that opportunity to scout out the possible attack.

Smith said the men had been under surveillance for 16 months and practiced their attacks in the Pocono Mountains in northeastern Pennsylvania. He said they also watched Osama bin Laden videos.

Officials said four of the men were born in the former Yugoslavia, one in Jordan and one in Turkey. All had lived in the United States for years. Three were in the United States illegally, two had work permits, and the other is a U.S. citizen.

The men were identified in court papers as Mohamad Ibrahim Shnewer, Dritan Duka, Eljvir Duka, Shain Duka, Serdar Tatar and Agron Abdullahu. Checks with Immigration and Customs Enforcement show that Dritan Duka, Eljvir Duka and Shain Duka are illegally living in the United States, according to FBI complaints unsealed with their arrests.

Five of the men lived in Cherry Hill, a Philadelphia suburb about 20 miles from Fort Dix.  The men were arrested Monday trying to buy automatic weapons in a sale setup by law enforcement authorities who had been investigating the men, the official said.

Muslim groups are already complaining that it is unfair to paint all Muslims as terrorists and jihadists.  All I can say is when Muslims get on TV saying that jihad is immoral and wrong and against their religion, then people might stop making this obvious equation.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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