
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Seung Cho Was Total Loser

Freak.  Loser.  Misfit.  Creepy weirdo.  These seem to all be apt and accurate descriptions of the Hokie Killer, Seung Cho. 


As more and more information seeps out about him, it is becoming crystal clear that Cho didn’t really belong at school.  He had no friends, and even his own roommates in his dormitory suite thought he was withdrawn and a social outcast.  They had even tried to engage him in conversation, but cho only ever gave one word mumbling responses.  With the personality of a dead fish, his roommates just left him alone.

He was a zero when it came to the ladies.  He acted more like a stalker and couldn’t score a date if he were the last man on campus.  His school grades have not been released yet.  They should be average or below.  Anything higher and I would suspect that Va Tech was just sleeping on the scoring system and passing any student that paid tuition.  Case in point, you should read the horrible play he wrote for his playwriting class.  He was supposedly being taught by an “acclaimed” professor Ed Falco.  Why this professor didn’t toss this loser out of his class is unknown.

In an article at CollegiateTimes, the fellow students remember with sadness how everyone knew Cho was a lunatic, but no one did anything to get him any help. 

Stephanie Derry, a senior English major at Virginia Tech, was in a 3000 level Playwriting class with Cho Seung-Hui this spring semester taught by acclaimed professor Ed Falco.

She described Seung-Hui’s conduct in classes and how all the clues had been there, but could never imagine his bizarre behavior would ever materialize into these recent destructive events.

“Cho was really, really, quiet,” Derry said. “I can’t even remember one word he said the entire semester.”

“We were in a playwriting class together, which is a workshop class, meaning you submit your plays to everyone in it and then we all review the play in class and talk about it,” Derry said.

“His writing, the plays, were really morbid and grotesque,” Derry noted. “I remember one of them very well. It was about a son who hated his stepfather. In the play the boy threw a chain saw around, and hammers at him. But the play ended with the boy violently suffocating the father with a rice krispy treat,” Derry said.

“We made jokes around the class about his work, because it was just so fictional, so surreal, we just had to laugh,” Derry said, “We had to laugh because it couldn’t ever be real or truthful, I mean who throws hammers or chainsaws around?”

“But we always joked we were just waiting for him to do something, waiting to hear about something he did,” Derry said. “But when I got the call it was Cho who had done this, I started crying, bawling.”

“I kept having to tell myself there is no way we could have known this was coming,” Derry described. “I was just so frustrated that we saw all the signs, but never thought this could happen.”

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

68 thoughts on “Seung Cho Was Total Loser

  • WMD,
    Insulting Dead Killers? If he is dead, how could he be insulted? Or does my rather accurate description of Cho somehow insult you? Reducing the number of future killers in society is not my mission in life either.

    However, people need to recognize this type of behavior. People need to learn a lesson from this horrible crime.

    And welcome to the blog!

  • This article just annoys me, because you sound like an idiot. I mean, yeah this dude was fucked up somehow, but who are you? Your clearly just some uninformed jackoff that read the same articles everyone else did, decided that they had become an official source for information, as douchebags tend to do, and decided to write some stupid shit. People liek you always seem to slither out of the woodwork when a tragedy happens, and bestow your nonsense on the world. Thank you so much for telling me about how this guy “couldn’t score a date if he were the last man on campus.” That is the most mature analysis I have heard all week.

  • Adam,
    I think I am very informed on what and who Cho is. No real media outlet will say the truth about this sad pathetic man. Does my analysis hurt your feelings somehow? Or are you one of those idiots who think its a sin to cast judgement on someone?

    My assertions are accurate. Cho was a loser. He couldn’t get a date. He is reported to have an “invisible girlfriend.” He was also a lousy student. And when his piss poor grades are released, everyone will be scratching their heads wondering who kept this killer in school so long.

  • Geez, you’ve got this pegged, sorry. I didn’t realize that you were “very informed.” However, it has been stated that he WAS thrown out of class for his odd behavior, was forced to work one on one with a tutor instead of attending classes, and was referred to a school counselor.

    And I guess that I should keep my eyes out for people that “can’t get a date.” They are losers and should be considered dangerous people that will probably kill dozens of people. We clearly should have known he was a murderer, I mean, as you said, he “couldn’t score a date if he were the last man on campus.” It sounds to me as if you have some issues, as that seems like an extremely juvenile way to look at things.

    And yes, I was offended by this article. Not for personal reasons, but because I find it offensive when morons speak their mind, and try to claim authority on subjects that they are not qualified to even think about.

    In these type of tragic situations, idiots love to run their mouths, and act as if they have something to offer. But, as you have shown, you have nothing to offer. Your next comment will likely be another juvenile quip, something like, “No I do know what I am talking about! Your probably a loser just like Cho and you support him, and thats why you are upset.”

  • find it offensive when morons speak their mind, and try to claim authority on subjects that they are not qualified to even think about.

    You must be a college-trained liberal. Only liberals want to police what is in peoples’ minds. So somehow you are the arbiter of what I am allowed to say and think? I really don’t think so, Adam.

    If you think I am not qualified to speak my opinion on what a loser Seung Cho was, then who, according to your all-moral depth of understanding, IS qualified? Let me guess. No one should say anything bad, right?

    This is a website and I am not only qualified to speak my mind and voice my opinions, but I am an expert at it. It is not a sin to cast judgement on someone. Its a sin NOT to. You think that if only everyone was truly equal, there would be no violence in the world, and saying bad things to people is what causes people to do mean things.

    You have the moral mentality of a kindergartner. And I stand behind my statements.

  • Adam needs to lighten up a bit, give me a break!

  • You ask:
    “If you think I am not qualified to speak my opinion on what a loser Seung Cho was, then who, according to your all-moral depth of understanding, IS qualified?”

    HAHAHA, there are plenty of qualified people. I have read some interesting things, and seen some good points. I just think that YOU, sir, are an idiot.

    And though I do have a college education, I am not a college trained liberal or whatever you called it. I am guessing that you are not “college trained,” and somehow you see a college education as a negative thing, which even lessens your qualifications to speak your mind.

    I never made any statements regarding morality. I just said you were a jackoff. The fact that you assumed that I was making statements in reference to morality just shows that you are a person that makes unfounded assumptions and then states them as fact.

    Basically, I think that you’re an idiot. You are clearly not an expert at anything accept being an idiot, but you are very good at that.

  • So others are qualified to exercise their first amendment rights, just not me? And supposedly I’m the idiot? Liberals think that only they are qualified to speak up in this country.

    That you are offended by my words demonstrates that it is your lack of mature morality that is the problem here, not my words. And your lack of maturity in which you resort to namecalling on a blog also shows your lack of civility.

    And how is it that a person from Baltimore gets to tell a person from Virginia what they can and cannot say about what happened at a school in Virginia?

  • Endersdragon

    I am autistic and many of these things that make someone a “total loser” also apply to me. I don’t have friends, couldn’t score a girlfriend if I tired, my grades are fairly average hovering around a 3.0 GPA, and I rarely say a word to others because I have been bullied for so long I don’t trust anyone else. Also I have started a book about a kid who committed a school shooting, granted not as creepy as what Cho wrote but still many would consider it quite creepy, even in its early stages.

    So does this make me a “Freak. Loser. Misfit. Creepy weirdo.” Or a total loser? Feel free to tell me so.

  • It makes you a liar. You are not autistic. And neither was the Hokie Killer, so don’t try to compare yourself to him. And if you try to claim you are autistic to cover up for any of your creepiness, that is just sad. If you are writing about a kid who committed a school shooting, you should be put on a watch list. I’m forwarding your IP address to the FBI.

    I can’t believe I have the only freaking blog in the world where dolts come on here to defend the largest mass murderer in the United States

  • Endersdragon

    I never said I was defending him. I am defending those like him. And technically your right, I am not autistic but I am aspie and I doubt someone with an IQ as low as yours knows the difference and technically Asperger’s is on the autism spectrum so I am autistic (spectrum wise).

    See the thing is I understand many school shooters, I know I know that makes me horrible, but I see them as being human. I understand what drives people like Andy Williams and Thomas White to bring a gun to school. You think I deserve to be on a watch list for that go ahead.

    PS I am on a college campus, so my IP address means I am one of about 1600 students here… I won’t get in any trouble for that.

  • I can’t believe I have the only freaking blog in the world where dolts come on here to defend the largest mass murderer in the United States

    Yeah, don’t I wish. 😆

  • Endersdragon,

    You are on a college campus in Rapid City Iowa. Your IP address at the time of your last posting was Your email address at hotmail is fnofsports. You are a flaming homosexual (but can’t get a date) and enjoy corresponding with kids who kill other people.

    Your real name is Bryan.
    You don’t like being bullied and seem to have a beef with the world.
    You are self-diagnosed with some type of autism because you saw it on a bulletin board, but you might really be insane because you break out in hysterical laughter for no reason.

    In 2002, you posted on a message board that you are suicidal. Bryan, if you kill yourself, remember not to take a bunch of other innocent people with you.

    You have a problem with bedwetting, or you did when you were 16. Sheesh, this explains a LOT. Ever get that fixed or are you still wearing adult diapers?

    And you use the same name on lots of bulletin boards. So you are not very smart.

    An earlier poster on this thread asked what I was going to do to reduce the number of potential killers in our society. Maybe reporting you to the FBI might help prevent a tragedy.

  • Endersdragon

    Your right I am in Rapid City, Iowa…. only one problem… I don’t think there is a city called Rapid City, Iowa lol.

    I am hardly a flaming homosexual, I am not even out of the closet except online.

    Enjoy is hardly the right term, try to help would be more accurate.

    I was self-diagnosed but also note that post I believe is 4 years old, I have gotten an official diagnosies since then at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics. Personally I hated that day because they were trained to deal with kids and high school aged adolscents but I was 19 1/2 before I went there. Also alot of autistics break out into laughter for pretty much no reason.

    Are you trying to make fun of suicidal and bullied people too? Not to mention making fun of bedwetters. Thats pretty low to make fun of someone for a disability. I hope you never have kids that wet the bed.

    And why not use the same name over and over, I like being endersdragon and before that I liked being fnofsports, what do I care if idiots like you can find me.

  • “You have a problem with bedwetting, or you did when you were 16. Sheesh, this explains a LOT. Ever get that fixed or are you still wearing adult diapers?”

    Do not take the piss out of bedwetters, they cannot help it and there may be underlying issues that you do not understand, so lay off!!! >:(

  • Mohammed

    Being a freak and a loser in a deeply diseased society such as the US, doesnt make him a monster.
    He was just a weak kid who knew nothing about Machiavel.
    I know nothing about machiavel either, but i heard his theory was based on some kind of social integration based upon hypocrisy, and ambition.

    I hope ur stupid government will learn a lot from this.
    And then maybe u’ll stop selling weapons to people ( and to foreign countries too…)
    And maybe u’ll stop legalizing and authorizing pornography and stupidity, and u’ll think about bringing back respect of human beings in the heart of ur citizens.

    U can dive thru my IP too, genius.
    I live in morocco Casablanca…i have accounts on multiple porn torrent sites, and u may found a thread concerning my hemorroids being removed 7 months ago on a french “Santé forum” .

    I’m against homosexuality, so i’m writing this not to support that endersdragon, but just to say that ur comments sounded stupid and full of hypocrisy to me.

    U know, when someone’s finger points at the moon, stupid people are looking at the finger instead of the real target. (cf for you : the moon)

    So this korean kid is not the real problem, there is a bigger problem behind this.
    Try to find it out, genius.

  • u may found a thread concerning my hemorroids being removed 7 months ago on a french “Santé forum”

    You worshippers of that big black cube crack me up.

  • Leg3nd7,

    What, are you Endersdragon’s Piddle Buddy? I know you guys chat it up on the message boards. Endersdragon may have a biological problem, but your messageboard posting

    says you pee your widdle panties for fun. 😛
    And your real name is James and your myspace profile is here:

    How the hell did this blog posting turn into a no-pest strip for freaks? 😀

  • Are you trying to make fun of suicidal and bullied people too? Not to mention making fun of bedwetters. Thats pretty low to make fun of someone for a disability. I hope you never have kids that wet the bed.

    No, its pretty low to admire kids who kill other people at school Bryan. That you wet the bed is not a disability. And you are not autistic. You need a professional therapist to deal with your problems, especially if you are suicidal.

    But I’m not sure if you are suicidal as much as you just want someone to pay attention to you. Get a pet or something. But make sure it has a raincoat if you are going to let it sleep in the bed with you! 🙂

  • LOL

    Now That was funny hahaha 🙂
    Ok at least u made me laugh, pat.

    ok, i just wanna say i’m sorry for what happened, especially for the families, and the ones that were wounded or injured.
    For those who died, may god bless them all.
    one word resumes it all : sad.

    I wasnt attacking u personally pat, but like lauren hills said : i’ve been needing some more identification on your microphone.

    Guns and general violence (even verbal) is the real problem here.
    Not that weak kid who maybe have been molested or else during his childhood.

    take care.

  • Endersdragon

    Shut up about him! You don’t get anything!

    You see when he was a kid he got raped because some freak wanted his son to rape him. Yeah that can kindof tramatize a kid, go figure. So he started wetting the bed and found he liked being comforted (after being raped I imagine you sorta want to be comforted). Care to call him a freak again, if so I would love to see you get raped.

  • When i said that was funny, i was talking about u referring to the big black cube…

    not to what u wrote regarding the 2 users above…

    cee ya

  • Endersdragon

    Ummm generally any doctor would consider bedwetting a disability, especcially like it was in my case. Who said I admire them, you are putting words into my mouth, I say I understand them, I have been there. Thats not one bit the same.

    And go tell the good doctors at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics that I am not autistic. I am sure they would love to hear that they made a mistake.

    And like I said before I was bullied quite a bit in school, it is bound to make someone suicidal. Remove yourself from high school, remove yourself from the depression, for the most part.

    So are you a therapist or doctor yourself, you seem like you think your quite qualified to say stuff about medical matters.

  • Not that weak kid who maybe have been molested or else during his childhood.

    That has also not been talked about very much; the probability that Cho was a sexual assault victim of some type during childhood. Most mass murderers turn out to be victims, but not all of them.

    Judging by Cho’s writings, he was deeply confused by sexual imagery, homosexuality and intimacy. Sexual dysfunction, mental illness and a violent childhood are the usual symptoms of murderers.

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