
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

CrimeStupid People

Billy Goats Gruff

One of the frightening children’s stories about trolls who live under a bridge who will try to eat you is real in Miami, Florida.  Rather than keeping child sex predators behind bars where they belong, they are released early.  And because they are not allowed to live near children, some have taken to living homeless under bridges.

Meet Javier Diaz, also known as Javier Diary.  He was 30 when he fondled a child and went to jail for it.  Less then two years later he is out, living under a bridge with 4 other sex offenders, and the drive-by media is attempting to paint his plight as something we are supposed to feel sorry for.

From the AP here:

Because an ordinance intended to keep predators away from children made it nearly impossible for them to find housing, five convicted sex offenders are living under a noisy highway bridge with the state’s grudging approval.
The five men under the Julia Tuttle Causeway are the only known sex offenders authorized to live outdoors in Florida.

They have fishing poles to catch food, cook with small stoves, use battery-powered TVs and radios and keep their belongings in plastic bags. Javier Diaz, 30, has trouble charging the GPS tracking device he is required to wear; there are no power outlets nearby.

“You just pray to God every night, so if you fall asleep for a minute or two, you know, nothing happens to you,” said Diaz, who arrived this week. He was sentenced in 2005 to three years’ probation for lewd and lascivious conduct involving a girl under 16.

Forced to contend with rats, some of the men sleep on raised cardboard mats. Some have been staying under the bridge for weeks.

County Commissioner Jose Diaz said he had no qualms about the ordinance he created.

“My main concern is the victims, the children that are the innocent ones that these predators attack and ruin their lives,” he said. “No one really told them to do this crime.”

The whoosh of cars passing overhead echoes loudly under the causeway, which runs over Biscayne Bay, connecting Miami and Miami Beach.

Javier Diaz said he and the other men fear for their lives, especially because of “crazy people who might try to come harm sex offenders.”

So Javier Diaz prays to God every night that nothing happens to him?  I suppose his victims and those of his perverted compatriots said prayers every night too, but that didn’t help them out much did it?

Are we supposed to feel sorry for these assholes?  I have an idea-  why not put them back in jail where they and the rest of society will feel more comfortable?  Then we can all sleep better at night.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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