
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

CrimeCyberStupid People

McKinnon Loses Extradition Appeal

Doofus hacker extraordinaire Gary McKinnon received a stinging rebuke at his extradition appeals hearing from the presiding judge.  McKinnon is trying to avoid being extradited by claiming that the US trial will violate his “human rights.”


From Reuters here:

Gary McKinnon was arrested in 2002 following charges by U.S. prosecutors that he illegally accessed 97 government computers — including        Pentagon, U.S. army, navy and NASA systems — causing $700,000 worth of damage.

Two of Britain’s leading judges rejected a High Court challenge by McKinnon to an earlier court order backed by Britain’s Home Secretary that he should be extradited.

We do not find any grounds of appeal against the decision,” said one of the judges, Lord Justice Maurice Kay.

Mr McKinnon’s conduct was intentional and calculated to influence and affect the U.S. government by intimidation and coercion. As a result of his conduct, damage was caused to computers by impairing their integrity, availability and operation of programs, systems, information and data on the computers, rendering them unreliable,” Kay said.

He has one more appeal before he is crated up and sent over here.  And I really wish that news companies would stop referring to McKinnon as a “computer security expert.”  He’s not.  He’s a kooky, bumbling loser and a twat.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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