
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

PoliticsStupid People

The Wrong Way to Push Gay Marriage

Regardless of how you feel about the topic of gay marriage, there is a right way to move an agenda forward and a wrong way to do it. From the gay marriage opponent’s viewpoint, there is a fear that the “Gay Rights Agenda” secretly seeks to destroy the definition of family and marriage, either by elevating couples whom they view as an “unrecognizable fit” for the definition of marriage, or worse, destroying the traditional definition of marriage to bring everyone down to the same level. Proponents of gay marriage just want gay couples to be recognized as loving, committed couples that have full acceptance into modern society.

In Washington State, the State Supreme Court ruled that marriage is between a man and a woman and that the legislature can limit marriage to couples who can have children together. Unwilling to accept defeat on the matter, a gay rights group came up with a radical and stupid proposal which I’m certain is the wrong way to promote their agenda. They want to force all married couples who have not had children after three years of marriage to have their marriage automatically annulled.

From the wrongly named “Washington Defense of Marriage Alliance” here:

Initiative 957

If passed by Washington voters, the Defense of Marriage Initiative would:

  • add the phrase, who are capable of having children with one another to the legal definition of marriage;
  • require that couples married in Washington file proof of procreation within three years of the date of marriage or have their marriage automatically annulled;
  • require that couples married out of state file proof of procreation within three years of the date of marriage or have their marriage classed as unrecognized;
  • establish a process for filing proof of procreation; and
  • make it a criminal act for people in an unrecognized marriage to receive marriage benefits.

The sole purpose of this is to piss off married people and:

it should be good fun to see the social conservatives who have long screamed that marriage exists for the sole purpose of procreation be forced to choke on their own rhetoric.

As I said, there is a right way and a wrong way to make an argument. This was the wrong way. This action will only marginalize gay marriage proponents further, and in addition, paint the group with the color of crazy.

It seems that the lid was already closed on Gay Marriage in Washington State. Now thanks to Wa-doma, people are going to nail that lid shut.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

One thought on “The Wrong Way to Push Gay Marriage

  • At least they’re upfront about their strategy: chip away at the public’s perception of marriage until our opinion of it is so low we don’t mind them making a mockery of it.

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