
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

DistractionsHumorStupid People

Wii Controllers are Hazardous

My wife and I have debated each other about the new Nintendo Wii game system. I say that it is stupid and that people will quickly grow tired of standing up and flailing their arms around to make the video game work. Dance Dance Revolution was awesome and fun to watch, but the full body movements just won’t translate well to things like golf or bowling. My wife thinks people will finally stop being couch potatoes and get up and get some slight exercise, and who knows, maybe once they are off the couch they will take a few more steps and actually go outside to play?

Well it seems that with the introduction of the Wii, there are marked increases in household accidents and injuries. Apparently people are accidentally throwing the controllers at the TV, giving each other fat lips, smacking their hands on furniture, kicking their pets and other documented mayhem. Which is not really a new phenomena. When my brothers and I were playing with our Atari 2600’s back in the day, fights used to erupt frequently and more than one controller was used as a bludgeoning weapon.
Nintendo has sent out a nice email warning users about proper handling and control of the Wii remotes.

Yeah laugh now. Its always funny until someone loses an eye.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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