
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

CyberPoliticsStupid People

Nutjob Hacker Still Fighting Extradition

A headline on Drudge today screamed that a British Hacker could be sent to Gitmo as an enemy combatant. At least that is what Gary McKinnon’s lawyer said. I covered this story a couple of months ago here and I wrote that McKinnon is a bumbling boob whose head is full of conspiracy theories about flying saucers and that he was living in his girlfriend’s apartment even afteer she broke up with him and started sleeping with other guys.

Translated- McKinnon is a severe loser. The only reason he is being charged as the “biggest military hacker of all time” is because he mistakenly deleted some critical files in his fumbling attempts to explore military sites looking for data on spaceships, causing hundreds of thousands of dollars of damage. His extradition hearing has been postponed again until May 10.

The story from the French News Agency is HERE. I refer readers back to my original story linked above for the real details of the case.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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