
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

PoliticsStupid People

Barbra Streisand is Stupid Liar

Oh Barb, why don’t you stick to portraying lovable annoying retired Jewish Mothers as you did in Meet the Fockers? You were funny then. And despite your years intervening between that movie and your last paying gig on the silver screen, you still showed you had what it takes to be in a movie.

Advise to Babs:  Stick to Acting!

But you should really leave the blogging and political rants to those with enough intelligence to locate the spell check feature of their Word-Processing Program.

Barbra Streisand is an idiotic dolt who has the gumption to accuse our President of being unintelligent because he had a C average in Yale. Babs never went beyond the 12th grade. Judging from her unedited rant that appeared on her website last week, its Babs that is the dumber of the two, and she clearly shows an inability to spell words with more than three syllables. Not knowing how to spell is not a crime, but pretending to be a publisher of opinion on the Internet without knowing how to use a spell checking program should be.

From the NY Daily News here:

Drudge spells it out for Barbra

Songstress Barbra Streisand spells her first name funny, and that’s her prerogative. But right-leaning cybergossip Matt Drudge ? who delights in tormenting Streisand for errors on her political blog, ? believes the Democratic diva desperately needs spell-check. yesterday gloated: “Barbra Streisand has launched a new spelling error-ridden dispatch on the Internet ? a dispatch that mocks President Bush for being a C student!”

Drudge reported that in an anti-Bush diatribe, “Streisand flubs 11 words, a personal record.” Among the errors: “Irag,” “curruption,” “dictatoriship,” “warrented” and, yes, “desperatly.”

Yesterday, a couple of hours after Lowdown alerted the Streisand camp to Drudge’s spelling feint, her online polemic was corrected. And Streisand’s PR rep, Dick Guttman, sheepishly explained: “The errors ? are regrettable and have resulted in a change in how the actress’ own contributions to the blog will be posted.” He blamed the mistakes on the company that operates Streisand’s Web site: “The errors occurred in that entity’s typing of the original dictated material. Henceforth, Ms. Streisand’s office will post her essays directly.”

Drudge quipped: “Ah, the perils of Internet journalism!”

Barbra Streisand lied about how this occurred. She wants the public to think that she is not an idiot, but blames her own webmaster or web hosting company for mistakes in translating dictated material?! Dictated means spoken word, specifically into either a recording device or to a secretary that still practices the dying art of dictation, which is a shorthand scrawl that is fast to write and accurate in its copy.

If Babs used a recording device, it means that she sat down, wrote her thoughts (hopefully) into note cards or onto a legal pad, and read those notes aloud to the recording device. Then she had to get the the recorded data to her webmaster for translation. The webmaster would await the fedex package (or maybe UPS?), unwrap the tape or similar recorded media, listen to it, and pause the tape every few seconds so the webmaster could write it up on a computer file for eventual upload to the website.

If Babs used an aging secretary who still practiced the fading art of shorthand dictation, then the secretary would then have to drive to deliver the dictation to the webmaster so the secretary could translate it for the webmaster, and again, the webmaster would take frequent pauses to write down all of Babs’ missives. Or, the secretary could mail it to another secretary who had the ability to read shorthand, and that person would read it to the webmaster. Or miraculously, the webmaster could read shorthand, but the odds of that are very slim.

You may be able to see at this point that this is a great expenditure of effort to translate a dictated message from Babs. Wouldn’t it be easier for Babs to just use a computer and email the text to her webmaster? Is Babs trying to create the impression that she has neither the intellect nor the need to operate a computer? Does she still live in a 1970’s lifestyle where computers are not allowed in her home?

Of course not. Babs wrote this piece electronically and emailed it to her Webmaster, who performed a simple copy and paste to put it up on the website. Babs should learn to use the spell check before she goes off accusing others of being stupid. How do I know she has a computer? Logic dictates it, but there is other proof. She sued an internet webmaster several years ago because he was documenting coastal erosion in California, and he posted a picture of her estate. She would only know about this if she had a computer or access to a computer.
What the heck, its a pretty house, I will post it here too.

Stupid People Live Here

Maybe someone will reply with a Google Earth photo of her home as well. Or is she currently trying to sue to shut down Google because you can see her house on it?
So Babs is lying about the error being due to typing a translation. And if she has access to a computer to post her diatribes directly as Guttman claims above, what is the need to dictate anything? Liar Liar, Babs.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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