
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

PoliticsStupid People

OccupyWallStreet Must End in Violence

All mob actions end in violence. Very few actually result in societal change, like the Bolshevik revolution and the French Revolution- both revolutions born of mob violence. But make no mistake, those assembled in these mobs are simply cannon fodder for political puppetmasters, and the left is hungry- craving for blood that comes with mob violence.

So this is what will ultimately happen with the whole occupy wall street thing- Violence will erupt and cops will have to use deadly force. Once these white kids see gunfire, they will disperse. Leftists will demand that higher taxes be imposed on banks, and nothing else will happen. Except of course for the funerals of the sacrificial goats that will need to be killed by cops in order for this all to end.

If you haven’t read the awesome book Demonic by Ann Coulter, you should. Its a excellent documentary about how mobs think, work and act, and about how all leftists love mob violence.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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