
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Another Cleveland Horror

I really don’t like Cleveland.  I have been there a few times on business travel and it always turns into a nightmare.  Once I had to walk 10 miles across Cleveland to the airport because the taxi company would not dispatch a taxi.

Every locality has its own odd commercials.  In the DC area we have Eastern Automotive which features Redskins Players being thug-like spokesmen for the auto dealership.  But those commercials are not as weird as the crazy Cleveland Norton Furniture warehouse guy.  And as if living in Cleveland weren’t bad enough, you have to look at this idiot when you watch TV.

Click on the photo above to see Something Awful’s take on this commercial series.

And speaking of dumb commercials, I remember when cable TV had just arrived in Hampton Roads and one of the channels was DC’s channel 20, which featured a dork called “Captain 20” that would show cartoons in the afternoon.  One of the commercials that would air was the “Nobody Bothers Me” commerical for a DC Karate Shop.  Enjoy the kooky commercial by clicking the photo below.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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