
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Obama Caves to Peer Pressure; Attacks Libya

Obama is a weak-ass President. He is a smoker who picked up the habit when all of his friends were doing it. Now he went to war with Libya after dragging his feet for over a week because all his his friends were doing that too.

From FoxNews here:

On Friday, Col. Muammar al-Qaddafi’s forces were en route to destroy the rebellion in Benghazi, with the “brother leader” himself vowing to show “no mercy, no pity” towards those foolhardy enough to challenge his 42-year rule. “We will come house by house, room by room,” he warned. “It’s over.”

Then suddenly, Qaddafi’s foreign minister was begging for a cease-fire.

But Washington’s belated support for the no-fly zone and President Obama’s statement on Friday that America would join France, Britain, other NATO and Arab League allies in imposing a no-fly zone to stop the violence is a game-changer.

Remember when the US used to lead on world issues? Now it seems we are the reluctant follower, but only if “all the cool kids are doing it.” Maybe France should have given a carton of Newports to the President to purchase his commitment to Libyan freedom.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

2 thoughts on “Obama Caves to Peer Pressure; Attacks Libya

  • I’d have given him a carton of Newports and some good rock just to stay the hell out of it and let those damn people kill each other. Why is everybody so determined to help what will probably amount to another group of jihadists take over yet another country? At least Qaddafi, asshat though he was, was gradually coming around to our way of thinking, to a point. He gave up his nukes, at least. Baby steps. No, I don’t like him, but don’t be surprised if what takes his place don’t turn out at least as bad and probably a lot worse. We just don’t know.

  • I just hope someone bombs al Maghri, the Pan Am bomber.

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