
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

CyberPoliticsStupid People

NARUS Did NOT Assist Egypt in Oppression

Leftists on the Twittersphere are up in arms over this stupid Al Jazeera video shown below in which the Islamic news agency attempts to tie the cyber disruptions in Egypt to a United States military contractor cyber security company that was created by an “evil jew.”

Narus does deep packet inspection, and in my opinion, they do it rather poorly. Sure they can identify IP addresses and operating systems and know if someone is using a cell phone to access a website. Its not boogey-man technology, it is simply reading the clear text information that our telephones and other cyber software components pass in clear text whenever we cross Internet gateways.

But because Narus was supposedly invented by an Israeli, Al Jazeera is attempting to smear the entire company of Boeing, Narus’ parent company, as having had a hand in the cyber shutdown.

As discussed on this blog previously, the cyber shutdown was caused by the withdrawal of the peering routes by the major telecoms in Egypt. That is simply a modification of a text file on some backbone routers, people. Yes, it was likely done so by the government. But Narus had nothing to do with that whatsoever, and I don’t believe their software will do anything to block traffic at the backbone of a major ISP. The Narus implementation is likely in place in Egyptian telecom just like similar software is in place the world over- to use for law enforcement and forensics.

Any technology can be abused by tyrants. You don’t blame the manufacturer of the technology for the abuse. So why does it make sense to attempt to pin criminal actions on an American company? Because it fits the leftist and Anti-Israeli ideals that corporations and Israel are evil.

This is a smear campaign designed to promote leftist dogma. Just like the left tried to blame Sarah Palin for the Loughner shootings, the left is trying to blame a major US corporation and defense contractor for the Egyptian shutdown.

As further proof that this is leftist propaganda, check out the man smugly blaming the shutdown in the video above on Deep Packet Inspection, Timothy Karr, and his website at MediaCitizen- All of his articles appear on staunchly leftist websites.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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