
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Georgia School Wants to Expel Christian Because She Won’t Endorse Gay Agenda

Jen Keeton was ordered by the Faculty of Augusta State University to drop her Christian beliefs and undergo “remediation” which included her attending a gay pride parade and book reports on gay literature because she voiced her beliefs that homosexual acts were acts of choice and not involuntary acts.

From WND here by way of Moonbattery:

A lawsuit against Augusta State University in Georgia alleges school officials essentially gave a graduate student in counseling the choice of giving up her Christian beliefs or being expelled from the graduate program.

School officials Mary Jane Anderson-Wiley, Paulette Schenck and Richard Deaner demanded student Jen Keeton, 24, go through a “remediation” program after she asserted homosexuality is a behavioral choice, not a “state of being” as a professor said, according to the complaint.

The remediation program was to include “sensitivity training” on homosexual issues, additional outside study on literature promoting homosexuality and the plan that she attend a “gay pride parade” and report on it.

The lawsuit asserted the school cannot violate the Constitution by demanding that a person’s beliefs be changed.

University “faculty have promised to expel Miss Keeton from the graduate Counselor Education program, not because of poor academic showing or demonstrated deficiencies in clinical performance, but simply because she has communicated both inside and outside the classroom that she holds to Christian ethical convictions on matters of human sexuality and gender identity,” the law firm explained.

This is a clear case of discrimination based on religion. I agree with the student’s premise, but not on religious grounds. Homosexuality is a choice. It is not genetics, nor is it a preposterous “state of being.” For those that argue that it is genetic, well, now that the human genome has been mapped (and no one can find the gene), ask yourself if women should be allowed to perform genetic based testing so they can abort gay babies? Maybe only then you can find a liberal arguing against a woman’s right to abort a fetus.

Humans are the only animals that are capable of controlling their sexual urges. To say that homosexuals can’t control their own urges is putting them on a lower evolutionary pedestal with animals like dogs or monkeys. Democrats and liberals love to do just that, however. They argue that “fags gobble cock and pack fudge because they are animals. They really can’t help themselves. Just keep voting Democrat.”

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

3 thoughts on “Georgia School Wants to Expel Christian Because She Won’t Endorse Gay Agenda

  • Lesbians are still OK… Right?

  • Hey women have the right to choose… other women. But they aren’t allowed to bitch about not having kids. Or me asking them what their softball pitching ERA is.

  • Endersdragon

    I believe to an extent. That homosexuals can choose not have sex, that part I agree with. That homosexuals can “pray away the gay”, not anymore then you can decide to have sex with guys. And the thought of not having sex… ever… yea… not gonna happen.

    To quote Rufus, “The nature of God and the Virgin Mary, those are leaps of faith. But to believe a married couple never got down? Well, that’s just plain gullibility.” I think the thought of never having sex period is much the same way.

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