
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

HumorStupid People

Obama Voter Sues Neighbor for Half Million Bux Because ‘iPhone Waves’ Make Him Insane

Some retarded democrat who claims that the electro-magnetic waves emitted from all technology gives him the “runny poops” is suing his next door neighbor because, like a normal person, she has an iPhone and an internet connection.

Look! This puppy’s brain is getting cooked by Cellphone Rays! Bwaa ha ha ha ha!

From here:

Arthur Firstenberg. He’s the “electrosensitive” activist who has campaigned against wi-fi in public buildings and, more recently, against digital television broadcasts.

Firstenberg claims that the low-level electromagnetic radiation emitted by cell phones and other modern gadgets makes him, and others “sensitive” to radio waves, suffer terribly. The side-effects of exposure, he believes, include “nausea, vertigo, diarrhea, ringing in the ears, severe headaches and body aches, crippling joint pains, insomnia, impaired vision, impaired muscular control” and other ailments, some potentially deadly.

In the past, he has taken his case to City Hall, where he found a polite if unreceptive audience. Now, Firstenberg wants a judge to stop his neighbor from using her iPhone, her wireless internet and her laptop charger, saying the radiation has forced him from his home.

He also wants $530,000 in damages, including $100,000 for pain and suffering.

I say that if this goes to court everyone in there should take his picture with a cellphone camera.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

5 thoughts on “Obama Voter Sues Neighbor for Half Million Bux Because ‘iPhone Waves’ Make Him Insane

  • So That’s what’s happening…

  • toadbile

    Why can’t he just wrap his head in tin foil like the other crazy folks?

  • Plaintiff is not just an Obama voter, he is also a water drinker. Therefore, all water drinkers are nutty whiners with imaginary maladies.

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