
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Lesbian Obama Supporter and HuffPo Blogger Commits Hate Crime

I think this may be the worst hate crime ever committed against a gay person. Matthew Shepard, the “Baby Jesus” of pro-gay hatecrimes advocates, was murdered by two hicks who pistol whipped him and left him for dead in a field. Jessica Kalish, 56, spokeswoman for the StopZilla Anti-spyware company, was stabbed over 200 times in the face and back of the head by her jealous former lesbian lover, Carol Burger, 57. Carol Burger was also a deranged anti-american, Obama supporter, and lousy writer for the Leftwing Blog of HuffingtonPost.

Smiles belie the murderous moonbat lurking inside Carol Burger

From the PalmBeach Post here:

A woman who lived with her ex-partner wife on the city’s south side stabbed her former lover more than 200 times with a Phillips-head screwdriver and then tried to conceal the killing.

After committing the crime, Carol Anne Burger, 57, reported her old flame ex-wife missing and then, a day later, shot herself to death in her backyard, police said.

A bloodied Jessica Kalish, 56, a successful software executive, was found stuffed in the backseat of her gunmetal BMW.  She had been stabbed 220 times, with the wounds concentrated in the back of her head, back, arms and face. The majority of the wounds were between an inch and an inch-and-a-half deep.

On Kalish’s car, blood was splashed around the rear end and on the rear undercarriage, as if Burger had tried to load Kalish into the trunk before putting her in the backseat. Burger put Kalish in the BMW and drove her to the Congress Avenue site before walking home, a distance of about 2 1/2 miles.

Burger cleaned up the garage and apparently used the washing machine and bathroom sink, where traces of Kalish’s blood was later detected. On Tuesday, detectives searched the former couple’s house and used Luminol to uncover a “tremendous amount of blood” in the garage. The Luminol also revealed Burger’s glowing sneaker prints on the garage floor, indicative of her walking through the blood.

Friends said Burger and Kalish were married in Massachusetts but had broken up at least a year ago. Burger and Kalish had recently hired a lawyer to draw up plans to sell the house and split the money. Kalish had met another woman and would spend hours on her side of the house, absorbed in cyber-dates with her new companion.

Burger, upset at the disintegration of her relationship and disgusted with the U.S. during the past several years, sometimes talked of moving to Panama or Mexico to start again. That she had recently lost her job didn’t help the bouts of depression she sometimes experienced.  When the Web site The Huffington Post tapped Burger to cover the election from Florida this month, the job seemed to give her renewed focus.

This is a case of an old-ass childless lesbian that had a hot flash and murdered her ex.  Carol Burger hated herself and her lesbianism, hated the fact she didn’t have any children, and blamed it all on Christians, Republicans, Bush, and the United States.  And she took it out in a disgusting, violent rage against the woman who best represented herself:  her ex-wife.  Not satisfied with killing one childless lesbian, she blew her brains out Kurt Cobain style, bringing the body count to two.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

7 thoughts on “Lesbian Obama Supporter and HuffPo Blogger Commits Hate Crime

  • Maybe she was slowly coming to realize that even if Obama wins, the universe will not actually change, and that on November 5th she’ll still be, as you so eloquently put it, an “old-ass childless lesbian.”

    Loss of faith in one’s god can drive people to do all sorts of crazy things.

  • Gregory

    Naomi Wolfe should be scared. Bush, Cheney, and Rove are tired of stealing her kids report cards out of the mailbox, and messing up her e-mail accounts. Now they have the “Murder Ray Gun” to go along with the “Plane Crashinator” and the “Stroke Beam”. It causes you to kill your spouse and then yourself. The worst part…tin foil won’t stop it.

  • Akira, thanks for the comment and thanks for the pingback. Maybe Kalish would still be alive if Burger bought into Obama’s message of hope? But her hate would overshadow all else, including reason.

    Gregory, Naomi Wolfe is going to be crying about the Rove Vote Stealing betawaves too.

  • Perhaps I missed something, but this story is just invisible in the MSM.

    Could be overshadowed by the election, of course, but really, normally some lesbo getting killed in this manner would be on every newscast 24/7. Even more so if it was some guy stabbing his wife 222 times!

    [I’m sure I read “222” somewhere – that would be quite a forensic feat, to get the count so accurate …]

  • I don’t know why the MSM refuses to cover the story as it should be: as a hate crime!

    If it were male homosexuals committing such crimes, I bet it would have garnered more attention.

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