
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Los Angeles To Ban What Everyone Should Be Recycling

I remember when all of the treehuggers banned the paper bag because it killed trees. Now they are switching back because plastic bags harm the landfills. Wait, what? Don’t treehuggers mandate that plastics get recycled?? So why are plastic bags going to landfills? This should be proof that the Environment Worshippers don’t give a damn about the environment. What they really want to do is run your life.

From the AFP here:

The city of Los Angeles announced it will ban all plastic bags from retail stores as of July 1, 2010, following similar anti-pollution regulations already enforced in San Francisco.

The second-largest US city behind New York, Los Angeles, with its four million population, will ban plastic bagging in all supermarkets, grocery and retail stores, the Los Angeles City Council said in its new regulation.

After July 1, 2010, all store customers must provide their own bags or purchase bags made of paper or other biogradable material from the store for 25 cents (0.25 dollar).

The goal is to rid the city of some 2.3 billion non-biodegradable plastic bags that are distributed each year and end up polluting waste dumps for a long time.

So why doesn’t the city government just admit that their recycling program is a total failure if all those plastic bags are going to the dump? And if the recycling is working, why the need for the second law? The only explanation is that this is a political stunt- one that forces citizens to cough up cash for something that has always been free.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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