
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

PoliticsRoPStupid People

The Real Racists in Durham

Well, the New Black Panther Party sounds like they mean business. They want to “conduct their own investigation” into the alleged rape of a paid prostitute at Duke University. And from their public statements, it looks like it will be violent.

From the News-Observer Here:

DURHAM – The national chairman of the New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense says his group intends to march at Duke University on Monday to “deal directly” with lacrosse players about charges of rape of an escort service dancer whore at a team party.

Duke’s campus police are coordinating with the Durham Police Department to prepare for the black-separatist group, which has a reputation for coming to its protests armed.

“We are conducting an independent investigation, and we intend to enter the campus and interview lacrosse players,” Shabazz said Thursday. “We seek to ensure an adequate, strong and vigorous prosecution.”

One of the key tenets of the New Black Panthers is owning firearms and knowing how to use them, according to the Anti-Defamation League, a national Jewish group that has monitored Shabazz and his followers for years.

“They are a racist and anti-Semitic group,” said Myrna Shinbaum, a spokesperson for the New York-based league. “These guys come armed. They carry shotguns to demonstrations. The authorities down there should know this.”

Asked whether his followers will be armed when they come to Duke, Shabazz chuckled and said, “I don’t know if I can comment on that.”

A flier distributed by the group this week displays photos of Finnerty and Seligmann and calls for those who have “had enough of disrespect and racism from Duke” to assemble at the front gates of the university’s West Campus at 10 a.m.

“We as black men cannot sit idly by and allow white men to rape black women, regardless of what our sister (who by nature is a queen and a divine black woman) was doing,” Shabazz is quoted as saying in a media release announcing the event.

Sounds to me like they want to form a lynch mob. Get a rope.

And if that whore in Durham is considered a queen to these racists, and represents divinity, then the Black Panthers have a completely screwed view on monarchy and God.

This one stupid drunk whore, who has accused others of rape in the past, has set race relations in North Carolina backwards by 20 years. And I still say she ripped those poor Duke Lacrosse Boys off of 400 bucks by being too drunk to properly perform her lapdance duties.

And Shabazz is, or course, a Moslem. Here is a video of him threatening other protesters outside of the Danish embassy in Washington DC during the height of the Cartoon Wars, and he says that George Bush is the Number 1 Terrorist in the World. He’s kooky, dangerous and Islamic, and racist.

Thanks to Michelle Malkin for the video link and some history on Shabazz.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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