
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Rachel Dolezal: Paint it Black

My buddy Robb sent me this hilarious Youtube link about Rachel Dolezal and her minstrel blackfaced self. News to the Rolling Stones’ tune Paint it Black.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

One thought on “Rachel Dolezal: Paint it Black

  • Bhattacharya

    Blacks are Blacks & Whites are Whites. It’s just wrong for a White person to try to make themselves Black by darkening their skin. It would be wrong to darken skin if he believed he were a Black man trapped in a White man’s body or in this case a White woman who thinks she is a Black woman trapped in a White Woman’s body. There is a rubbish that has been happening many years & it’s sex change mutilations.

    There is something wrong with a man thinking he is a woman or a woman thinking she is a man. It is mutilation with dangerous hormones. Most transexuals were sexually abused in childhood which messed up their minds and transexuals sexually abuse children. Transexuals are mutilated gays and lesbians. I don’t care what others say but mutilating a man or woman to make them fake members of opposite sex is gay/lesbian. And gay/lesbian groups are apologists for Transexuals which is why the word T is there. They must abolish this surgical mutilation. All transexuals are homosexual/lesbian as the act of mutilating to become false opposite sex is itself an act of homosexuality/lesbianism-sad maiming and make this illegal.

    Finally, sex change maimings which is mutilating some1 to make them fake members of opposite sex is comparable to trying to make a man a fake animal because he thinks he is an animal trapped in a human body. Most feminists are not speaking against this. 1 would hope that feminists would oppose the mutilation that happened to Chastity Sun Bono as feminists have spoken against Female Genital Mutilation which happens in some nations. Transexuals are mutilations which no Dr. should take part in, yet most feminists are not condemning this female genital and breast mutilation as what happened to Chastity S. Bono where her healthy breasts were mutilated, dangerous hormone shots and her genitals mutilated.

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