
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

failStupid People

Turn the Party Bus Into the Fail Bus

This cutie patootie below, Nastasha Noland, loved country music, hanging out with friends, partying, drinking, and brawling on Party Buses until she made herself a speedbump last Friday night.

From the DailyMail here:

A drunken female reveller who fell out of a party bus during a catfight was caught under the wheels of the bus and killed. The two young women clashed on their way back from a Brad Paisley country music concert to Santa Cruz, California, when the doors accidentally opened and the tragic accident took place.

Natasha Noland, 25, died after plunging from the bus at around 11.50pm on Friday on Highway 17, while a 20-year-old woman from Felton was injured.
Several of the 12 to 15 passengers on the Party Bus of Santa Cruz fled the scene, and two others were arrested for drunkenness. The group was all ‘highly intoxicated’ and uncooperative, according to police.

Ms Noland was a ‘super fun person‘ who was friendly and generous. She loved country music and was known for being fashionable.
‘She had a good heart, a good soul,’ said Ms Eshom. ‘She was an all-around amazing person. It’s unbelievable what happened.’

Another friend of Ms Noland, Natalia Lockwood, 22, said: ‘She was always happy and doing fun things and hanging out with friends.’

Whew! I was worried there that we lost a top physicist or neurologist, but thank god it was just a fashionable, super-fun person. I think California has a surplus of those, so society is at no risk. And those cretins who fled the scene? If they were going to Santa Cruz, they fled because they each had a pound of weed and didn’t want to get busted.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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