
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Scouts Keep the Jerry Sanduskys Out of Scouting

Liberals are outraged on twitter right now that the Boy Scouts of America have upheld their constitutional right of association and decided to maintain the ban on homosexuals to serve as scout masters. Jerry Sandusky was a closeted homosexual who abused children for years before getting busted and jailed for the rest of his life. Yet liberals want to expose other peoples’ children to potential child molesters via the Boy Scouts, because DISCRIMINATION that’s why!

From WTOP here:

After a confidential two-year review, the Boy Scouts of America on Tuesday emphatically reaffirmed its policy of excluding gays, angering critics who hoped that relentless protest campaigns might lead to change.

The Scouts cited support from parents as a key reason for keeping the policy and expressed hope that the prolonged debate over it might now subside. Bitter reactions from gay-rights activists suggested that result was unlikely.

The president of the largest U.S. gay-rights group, Chad Griffin of the Human Rights Campaign, depicted the Scouts’ decision as “a missed opportunity of colossal proportions. They’ve chosen to teach division and intolerance.”

Darlene Nipper, deputy executive director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, said the Scouts “have turned their backs on a chance to demonstrate fairness, exercise sound judgment, and serve as a role model for valuing others.”

The only intolerance is from liberals who hate that anyone is allowed to think differently from themselves. Liberals preach tolerance of others but are completely intolerant of anyone who doesn’t embrace their twisted ideals.

Liberals are completely free to invent a “lady-boy Scouts” where twinks and rump rangers go camping with little boys. Lets see who signs their children up then.

Here is what happened to one gay scout master:

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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