
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Twice as Inconvenient

The Goracle is going to make a sequel to An Inconvenient Truth.

From Cinematical here:

If this summer movie season shows us anything, it’s that Hollywood has gone sequel-crazy. These greedy studio executives keep demanding more explosions, more superheroes, more Power Point presentations about global warming! Wait…what was that last one? Yes folks, An Inconvenient Truth Part 2 is on the way. Considering the extremely low-key nature of the original, it was churned out in a mere five months, and that quick turnaround could mean we’ll see the sequel in time for the 2008 presidential election.

I have a few ideas for a marketing line.

  • Twice the Truth! Twice the Inconvenience!
  • The Truth is Back. And Boy is it Pissed!
  • Twice the PowerPoint Slides!
  • Polar Bear Zombies on the Loose!
  • Twice the Hyped EcoFear!

His first movie made only one-third the money as “Madea’s Family Reunion.” Maybe if AlGore does the movie in drag and blackface he can put more butts in the seats.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

One thought on “Twice as Inconvenient

  • Bhattacharya

    I agree that greenhouse gases worsens the existing problem we have of global warming. But global warming (natural) would happen with or without greenhouse gases. I think that global warming is result of both nature & greenhouse gases, but it could be that nature does more of that with greenhouse gases worsening. I don’t think in censoring climatologists who don’t believe in man made global warming. Yes, fossil fuel industry pays them but again, there’s enough bad things about pollution such as greenhouse gases about what they do to water & air that we can talk about them w/o global warming. We can talk about asthma, lung diseases, etc. which are caused by pollution incl. greenhouse gases.

    Drinking dirty water and breathing bad air caused by all pollution incl. greenhouse gases are enough reasons for wanting pollution incl. greenhouse gases reduced. Fossil fuel industry, climatologists & politicians who dispute greenhouse gases & global warming can not dispute the fact that pollution causes breathing problems & diseases from bad air & water which we know pollution does. Coal is dirty and filters, scrubbers, etc. while they make things cleaner doesn’t change the fact coal is dirty.

    Also environmental groups such as Sierra Club and Greenpeace are not to be taken seriously because they are ideologues. Sierra Club’s interest is $. For years Sierra Club took money from Clorox. Sierra Club got criticism for their work with Clorox and while it was wrong-atleast they did not keep it a secret. Sierra Club taking millions of $ from Chesapeake Bay natural gas from 2007 to 2010 was however kept secret until it was disclosed in 2012. Sierra Club is corrupt and cares mainly about money and pushing agenda. How can we get cleaner energy? We must use nuclear power, hydroelectric dams, geothermal and in some cases use renewables. The main thing here is that we must save fossil fuels such as limiting natural gas to fuel cars and reduce coal usage. That’s why we must use nuclear/atomic power, geothermal and hydroelectric dams (when possible) combined.

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