
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Chardon High School Killer Was a Shitty Person and Poet

A scrawny kid who allegedly got picked on for being Emo or Goth decided to bring a gun to his High School and prove that he was better than the cool kids.

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TJ Lane, the teenage killer who shot two students dead at his Ohio high school and left another three injured, wrote a shitty attempt at destructive poetry on his facebook page foretelling his violence.

From the DailyMail here:

TJ Lane, who classmates described as a bullied outcast, ranted about ‘a man with a frown. No job. No family. No crown. His luck had run out. Lost and alone.’

Local news reports said Monday evening that a second student has died in the wake of this morning’s shooting Chardon High School where 17-year old student Lane began shooting fellow pupils.

The Center identified the first slain student as 16-year-old Daniel Parmertor, who was shot when Lane targeted a group in the high school cafeteria at Chardon High School.

In the wake of the shooting, other students have said that Lane was known as an outcast who had apparently been bullied. He had Tweeted that he would bring a gun to school, but nobody took the threat seriously.

Some say he was a loner, others say he was bullied, and yet another said Lane was ‘gothic.‘ Police say that Lane is now in custody.

The horrifyingly bad poetry on his facebook page couldn’t be trumped by the dreaded Vogons from the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.

In a time long since, a time of repent, The Renaissance. In a quaint lonely town, sits a man with a frown. No job. No family. No crown. His luck had run out. Lost and alone.

The streets were his home. His thoughts would solely consist of “why do we exist?” His only company to confide in was the vermin in the street. He longed for only one thing, the world to bow at his feet.
They too should feel his secret fear. The dismal drear. His pain had made him sincere.

He was better than the rest, all those ones he detests, within their castles, so vain. Selfish and conceited.

They couldn’t care less about the peasents they mistreated. They were in their own world, it was a joyous one too. That castle, she stood just to do all she could to keep the peasents at bay, not the enemy away.

They had no enemies in their filthy orgy. And in her, the castles every story, was just another chamber of Lucifer’s Laboratory. The world is a sandbox for all the wretched sinners.
They simply create what they want and make themselves the winners. But the true winner, he has nothing at all. Enduring the pain of waiting for that castle to fall. Through his good deeds, the rats and the fleas.

He will have for what he pleads, through the eradication of disease. So, to the castle he proceeds, like an ominous breeze through the trees. “Stay back!” The Guards screamed as they were thrown to their knees. “Oh God, have mercy, please!”

The castle, she gasped and then so imprisoned her breath, to the shallow confines of her fragile chest. I’m on the lamb but I ain’t no sheep. I am Death. And you have always been the sod. So repulsive and so odd.

You never even deserved the presence of God, and yet, I am here. Around your cradle I plod. Came on foot, without shod. How improper, how rude. However, they shall not mind the mud on my feet if there is blood on your sheet.

Now! Feel death, not just mocking you. Not just stalking you but inside of you. Wriggle and writhe. Feel smaller beneath my might. Seizure in the Pestilence that is my scythe. Die, all of you.

The saddest thing about this story is that TJ Lane didn’t put the gun to his own temple.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

One thought on “Chardon High School Killer Was a Shitty Person and Poet

  • Lemme guess, another upper class suburban kid who thinks he’s got it sooooo bad?

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