
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Byron Sonne Is Some Great Freedom Tester Boys!

Leftists love the action of anarchists and mobs. That’s why they collectively creamed their shorts over the arrest of Byron Sonne for possession of explosives during the runup of the G20 last year. An agitator willing to face down the cops?!! OH BOY! And, he spent 11 months in jail while hairy leftist women like Madison Kelly, aka digimer, pined away publicly in Canadian newsrags for his freedom, all the while refusing to shave her legs.

Now that Sonne is really famous for being on the radio recently during a morning drive time, the collective wisdom of good Canadians is finally showing, and their disdain for this douchenozzle would-be bomber is on display. Ironically, none of his defenders from Hacklab in Toronto have logged into the news site here to parlay with Sonne’s critics.

From CBC here:

A Toronto man who spent 11 months in jail on G20-related charges says his actions before his arrest were aimed at testing the limits of freedom in Canada.

Byron Sonne, 38, posted online pictures of the security fence around the G20 summit site last year in downtown Toronto, the police officers on duty, and maps showing the location of security cameras.

Four days before the summit kicked off on June 26, police raided Sonne’s million-dollar Forest Hill home. He was among the first to be arrested in connection with the G20.

He was released on $250,000 bail after spending 11 months in custody.

Testing the limits of freedom? That’s what they call bombing attempts in Canada? How’d that test work out for Byron?

And if you are an inattentive leftist, you would have to read down in the article about another 15 paragraphs to find out that Byron Sonne had massive amounts of TATP, the same explosives used by jailed terrorist Richard Reid, in his garage- a home paid for, by the way, by his rich ex-wife’s parents- the same wife who ditched his angry, anarchist ass for good following her own arrest for being associated with him.

Here is what Sonne’s fellow Canadians have to say:

CalvinS 2011/06/24
at 3:07 PM ET
He is so full of crap, that if he shook his head there would be excrement on the walls. Him and all the rest of the rabble that cause the trouble and created most of the expenses for this summit should be fined to cover the cost of the police. Canada

jcisex 2011/06/23
at 4:37 PM ET
Next time I receive a speeding ticket, I’ll just tell the judge I was simply trying to get the attention of the police!

Lasher500 2011/06/23
at 12:03 PM ET
“I just wanted to see exactly what is the state of freedom in Canada? What does a person have to do to get the attention of the government?”
Guess the uber-dork knows now.

I listened to him on CBC radio this morning, complaining of his plight. He sounds bright and articulate. His actions say otherwise.

griffin TO 2011/06/23
at 11:31 AM ET
“I just wanted to see exactly what is the state of freedom in Canada? ”

Really…how’s this…
“Your freedom end’s when it threatens the safety of others”.

Our is that to difficult for you to understand?

This guy goes back to trial on November 7. Wouldn’t it be lulzy if he gets busted for violation of his bail?

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

2 thoughts on “Byron Sonne Is Some Great Freedom Tester Boys!

  • Byron wasn’t testing anything. Baloney. He wasn’t trying to do anything except perhaps make fun of the g20 circus in his own way.

  • Byron wasn’t testing anything. He was just making fun of the g20 in his own way. Nothing more.

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