
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Man Buys Police Dept Domain as Revenge for Speed Trap

A little cyber justice. When Brian McCrary was snagged by a speed trap and a speed for just 12 MPH over the speed limit, he waited a month and a half to snag the police department’s domain name. He has replaced the Bluff City, TN police department website with information on the speed camera.

From Technically Incorrect here:

Brian McCrary was a touch peeved when he got a speeding ticket in Bluff City, Tenn.

Such is the human need for self-righteousness that we often react in a wronged manner, even when we know that we were, in fact, speeding. Silently or not, we wonder why the cop couldn’t have pulled over an ugly car? You know, Subaru drivers.

McCrary was allegedly caught going 56 mph in a 45 zone–which, in the vast scheme of speed, is not exactly at Nascar levels. He was caught by one of Bluff City’s helpful speed cameras–one that happened to have issued 1,662 tickets in its first six weeks of standing guard over the populace.

McCrary happened to have some questions (other than, I think, “Why me?”), so he went to the police department’s Web site. Perhaps because he is a network designer, or perhaps because at least one of his eyes was fully functional, McCray noticed a notice. It was from those helpful customer service people at It explained that the domain had expired and that it would be sold or deleted in a mere 42 days.

Way to go Brian. Let’s hope that Bluff City gets rid of those speed cameras.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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