
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Maybe Muslims Need Better Meds

I get lots of spam. As the primary admin of a domain, I get not only my own spam, but also errant emails meant for all kinds of bizarre email addresses people use to fake-register for online accounts. Because of this, I get some emails from some pretty common and also rare stuff. Check out this spam I got tonight-

Have you ever considered the idea of suicide? If yes, have a look at new antidepressants!

This piece of spam actually made me laugh out loud! I don’t consider suicide but I sure wish lots of others would consider it now and again!

And it got me to thinking about Jihadists- would they still hate us infidels as much if they ate prozac? Somehow I think that anti-depressants wouldn’t curb their appetite for martyrdom.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

6 thoughts on “Maybe Muslims Need Better Meds

  • funnygirl

    U R SICK

  • hilarious that you think I am sick but its muslim women like you that send their children off to die.

  • what if your home was taken and you are said to be thief ?? will you defend ?! will you stay silent ?! will you ask Mother America to protect you from her young daughter Israel ??!!
    what will you do ?
    you are persecuted and thought to be bad although you are not ?!!

  • You should take about 3000 sleeping pills to cure your anger at Israel.

  • drmo4ever

    so the mother did the same thing instead of taking 3000 sleeping pills to cure her anger at Israel.

  • Why Do you know the reason that Palestinian women, who destroys his home and feed their children something Atjd
    Because of your government and his support for Israel
    And oppression of the Palestinian people

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