
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Google’s Latitude to Stalk Your Mom

Google introduced a new service called Latitude yesterday. It is a social networking service based on Google Maps that tracks your movements and those of your friends and family with the idea that you may want to meet nearby friends or check in on your Mom without having to bother with the arduous task of picking up the phone and calling her. Thanks to VentureBeat for the article. Check out the video below.

So now your friends will also be able to see that you are nearby and will try to drop in on you unexpectedly. Or they may feel snubbed that you didn’t bother to drop in on them unexpectedly. Now you can ignore your friends with a whole new layer of technology.

If the Federal Government licenses this technology, would there be an outcry about the privacy violations? Why is there no apparent outcry from the public over Google wanting to use this information?

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

One thought on “Google’s Latitude to Stalk Your Mom

  • WTF? Why would I want someone to know where I am at any given moment of the day? Social Transparency?? I wonder if it has a ‘history’ option so you can see where your friend was in the last 24 hours. If I want to talk to someone, I’ll you said.. pick up the phone. At least this junk is voluntary. Christ.. and I thought myspace was destructive.

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