
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Why Do Geese Get Protection?

Its harder to kill a goose than to get an abortion.  According to federal laws, Canadian Geese are not allowed to be killed between September 16th and April 1st.  And if you want to kill annoying birds living on your property, you have to register with the Federal Government, the state government, and report every year for the rest of your life how many geese you kill each year, even if you kill zero that year.

Sweetness and Light has a great story on why geese may be bringing down airliners.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

2 thoughts on “Why Do Geese Get Protection?

  • tuffer

    BBC are just running a story that they suspect the engines are on the river bed………… shit Sherlock! What did they think, the rest of the flock flew off with them?

  • The next time jet engines ingest geese and 150 people die(this would please PETA to no end), it’ll be open season on Canadian Geese for the forseeable future.

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