
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Java Tree Man Looking to Plant His Seed

This is a followup to a post I wrote here about the Indonesian Treeman. It turns out that he is getting better. He has had 4 pounds of tusks removed and now he is anxious to meet some hot ladies!

Wart-Covered Treeman calling the ladies with his barky fingers.

From the Telegraph here:

For 20 years Dede Koswara lived covered in warts with huge tree-like growths encasing his limbs.

He can see the outline of his toes for the first time in over a decade after medics cut more than 4lbs of warty horns from his legs and feet.

He has also become a sudoko addict now medics have cut growths from his hands allowing him to hold a pen.

Dede, 37, now hopes that he will resume a normal life after two more operations to graft undamaged skin onto his hands, feet and face.

Speaking from an Indonesian hospital, he said: “What I really want first is to get better and find a job. But then, one day, who knows? I might meet a girl and get married.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

3 thoughts on “Java Tree Man Looking to Plant His Seed

  • twilight lover poor dude

    ah poor man i dont think its fake whoever thinks its fake are total morons its a real desiese and if u dont believe me ur crapheads

  • twilight lover poor dude

    poor dude i feel really sorry for him and sickened at the same time
    sorry a bout saying crapheads i just feel sorry for him

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