
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


John Edwards’ Love Child Lives in the Other America

Former Presidential candidate John Edwards once said there were two Americas, and he was right. There is the one America when you pretend to be father of the year and a doting husband to a wife who is infested with cancer cells.

And then there is the other America where you bang whores, knock them up, and then visit her and the illicit lovechild in a cheap motel room. And it is this second America where John Edwards’ love child, Frances Quinn Hunter-Edwards lives out its short-ass life in shame.

From the Enquirer here:

The stunning “spy photo” shows the former presidential contender holding his infant daughter Frances Quinn Hunter at the Beverly Hilton hotel in Los Angeles – where the ENQUIRER caught him visiting the baby’s mother, his mistress Rielle Hunter.

Edwards is holding his love child while standing in front of a distinctive striped curtain.

The same window covering hangs in each one of the hotel’s guest rooms – and is clearly visible in photos of guest rooms on the hotel’s Web site.

“These photos are damning proof,” said a source close to the situation.

“He’s been caught lying about his affair with Rielle and their love child for many months – and now the proof against him is piling up.

I know, you doubters will ask, “Pat how can you tell that this is the truth?” to which I say, I almost agree with you because I also thought John Edwards was gay.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

3 thoughts on “John Edwards’ Love Child Lives in the Other America

  • Saw a story just yesterday in which the clueless reporter said Mr. Edwards is on the “short list” for Vice President or possible Attorney General. Let’s not just avoid reporting the story. but pretend it doesn’t even exist. Mr. Obama is not even going appear on the same stage as Johnny, much less nominate him for anything. John McCain might have had an affair is NYT front page news, while John Edward did have an affair is not news at all.

  • Obama would throw him under the bus faster than you can say “slip and fall lawyer.”

    And you are right about the press bias too. One obscure senator taps a toe in a men’s room and its front page news for months.

    A presidential candidate has a cancerous wife and knocks up another woman and was spotted sneaking in to see the baby and the press buries its head in the ground?

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