
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Mary Winkler Murdered Her Husband. Now She Gets Her Kids Back

So let me see if I can reconstruct this. Mary Winkler opened a Nigerian Scam email, and sent the fraudsters all of the money belonging to her and her preacher husband. Husband got mad, so she killed her husband. She blamed it on spousal abuse because her husband wanted her to wear high heel shoes. The jury foolishly believed her. She served no jail time. Now she has regained custody of her three children from her murdered husband’s parents.

Sick, sick, sick.

From the AP here:

Mary Winkler, convicted in the shooting death of her pastor husband in Tennessee, has taken custody of her three daughters. The former minister’s wife picked the girls up Friday from the slain man’s parents, Dan and Diane Winkler.

The children will remain with Winkler permanently.

Winkler was convicted of voluntary manslaughter last year for shooting her husband, Church of Christ minister Matthew Winkler, at their Selmer, Tenn., residence. Sentenced to three years in prison, she is free on probation.

The children, ages 11, 9 and 3, had previously been living with their grandparents with court-ordered visits with their mother.

Twisted women like this like to strap her children into the minivan and run it into the lake and then blame it on the Mexicans. How the state could have turned over custody to this monster is beyond my comprehension.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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