
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Dracula Fought War on Terror

Vlad Tepes, or Vlad the 3rd, known as the Impaler, or as his name became known by the Islamic people who ultimately defeated him, Dracula, the Satan-  was one of the first to stand against the rushing onslaught of Islamic savagery in Old Europe.

Constantinople had recently fallen to the expanding Islamic Caliphate in 1453, and Sultan Mehmed II began to focus his attention on the small country of Wallachia, which is now southern Romania. 

Mehmed sent a diplomatic envoy to meet with Vlad to demand that Vlad surrender to the Sultan, convert to Islam, and begin to pay a small fortune as a tribute to his new master.

Vlad demanded to know why two men were in his throneroom who refused to remove their hats as was the custom in his country.  The Muslim envoy scoffed and informed Vlad that their own custom prohibits them from removing their turbans, and they were certainly not going to break that tradition now, especially to a kuffar, or non believer.

Dracula thought that this was an excellent custom, so to ensure that their hats stayed on their heads, he nailed the turbans to their skulls and ejected them from his throneroom.

Many of the stories about the impalings are true, but his victims were invading Muslims who were going to forcefully convert his people to Islam and kidnap his nation’s children to serve as servants and sex slaves to the Ottomans.  Vlad is a hero to the Romanian people to this day.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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