
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

RoPStupid People

Stupid Muslim Hijacker

One thing that 9/11 taught the world is how to respond to a hijacker.  You fight back.  One stupid Muslim man had to be reminded of that lesson.


From the AP here:

An Air Mauritania Boeing 737 carrying 71 passengers and a crew of eight was hijacked by a lone gunman brandishing two pistols Thursday evening.

The hijacker has been identified as Mohamed Abderraman, a 32-year-old Mauritanian. Mauritania has said the hijacker was a Moroccan from the Western Sahara.

Along the way, speaking to the hijacker, the pilot realized the man did not speak French. So he used the plane’s public address system to warn the passengers in French of the ploy he was going to try: brake hard upon landing, then speed up abruptly. The idea was to catch the hijacker off balance, and have crew members and men sitting in the front rows of the plane jump him, the Spanish official said.

The pilot also warned women and children to move to the back of the plane in preparation for the subterfuge, the official said.

It worked. The man was standing in the middle aisle when the pilot carried out his maneuver, and he fell to the floor, dropping one of his two 7 mm pistols. Flight attendants then threw boiling water from a coffee machine in his face and at his chest, and some 10 people jumped on the man and beat him, the Spanish official said.

The hijacker was arrested by Spanish police who boarded the plane after it landed at Gando airport, outside Las Palmas.

The article goes on to say that the Muslim man did not intend to terrorize anyone.  Laughingly, he wanted to go to France to request political asylum.  Funny.  Even when Muslims try to emigrate it scares the holy bejeezus out of everyone.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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