
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


The True Solution to “Global Warming”

The IPCC, the United Nations group on Climate Change is releasing a report today that says that mankind is “most likely” contributing to the warming of the planet. Despite the evidence that Ice Ages come and go, and have done so in the past, without the presense of man, it is nice to see that the International community has drawn a line in the snow to mark just how much ice is acceptible on this planet.

There is an outstanding article in the American Thinker blog today that mimics my own beliefs that environmentalism is a new religion and “Global Warming” is that religion’s vision of the Apocalypse.

From the American Thinker here:

That environmentalism is in fact a pseudo-religion goes without saying. Like all such, it possesses every element of contemporary legitimate belief. It has a deity, in this case the goddess Gaia, the personification of the living Earth, (first envisioned by James Lovelock, whom we can slot in as high priest). It has its holy books, most changing with the seasons, and most, as is true of the Bible with many convinced Christians, utterly unread. It has its saints, its prophets, its commandments, religious rituals (be sure to recycle that bottle), a large gallery of sins, mortal and otherwise, and an even larger horde of devils. (Let me pause here to sharpen a horn.)

Another item that a pseudo-religion must have is an apocalypse – and that’s what global warming is all about.

The article goes on to list how the environmentalists have tried and failed many times in the recent past to convince the world that it is heading to an ecological doom.

First, there is Rachel Carson’s book Silent Spring, which led to the ban on DDT, which led to the preventable deaths of millions in Africa from malaria.

Next up was the early seventies campaign featuring a giant owl named Woodsie, saying “Give a Hoot, Don’t Pollute.” That campaign worked well to clean up the roadways and waterways of America, making the United States the cleanest nation on Earth. If you doubt that statement, you should travel abroad.

Not satisfied with the success of Woodsie, next came hysteria over a population explosion. Too many people were supposed to rob the world of all of its food and resources by 1980. That prophesy was wrong too.

I have mentioned before that there used to be news reports about a pending resurgent ice age. The ice age was going to cause mass crop failure the world over. That never happened either.

In the eighties when a strong Republican was in office there was a huge scare about a “Nuclear Winter.” Nuke bombs were going to kick up so much dirt and dust it would plunge the world into darkness for a millenium. That one didn’t happen either.

Failure in prophesy does not deter zealots. Next up was the scare of the hole in the Ozone layer. We were all going to fry from radiation from space because all of the pretty girls were using too much hairspray. Australia was going to have mass extinctions. It didnt happen.

Now comes “Global Warming.” But having learned from all of the false alarms in the past about various doomsdays, this new apocalypse will not happen for a century.

About that phrase “Most Likely” that the UN uses to attribute climate change to mankind? If you believe in global warming, you are most likely someone who does not believe in God. If you do not believe in God, you most likely equate human life as equivalent to that of common animals. And if you believe in the equivalency of life, you are most likely to best impact the reduction of green house gases by ceasing to exhale. After all, animals dont drive cars or consume manufactured goods. If you really believe, then logically, you have to make the ultimate sacrifice for your God, Gaea. That is the only way to be truly carbon neutral.

If you believe in Global warming, you should not be angry at deaths in Iraq. You should applaud the deaths of every victim of hurricane Katrina. You should oppose the rebuilding of New Orleans. The boxing day tsunami is the greatest mass carbon neutral event in the past century.

And if global warming is indeed true, then you should applaud the approaching floods, famine and droughts. They will only accelerate the carbon neutrality of greedy CO2 exhalers. Eventually enough CO2 exhalers should die to bring the world back into balance, right? Right? Or else, who do you, as a global warming believer and Gaea worshipper, think should die (because someone has to) to bring the world back into balance?

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

2 thoughts on “The True Solution to “Global Warming”

  • If you Google “global warming hoax” you’ll find a ton of scientific proof that global warming is, in fact, a hoax. By using only the last upswing of temperatures (since 1970s) or by claiming they can predict the weather 50 to 100 years from now when they can’t even predict next week, it’s all a bunch of junk science to redistribute wealth and punish countries that are prosperous. The Kyoto Protocol is the crown jewel of these loonies – it only affects already industrialized nations (US and most of Europe) and will do nothing to those who will be contributing more to the problem in the coming decade (Mexico, China, India, Russia). It’s all about wealth redistribution. Any serious study done since about 2003 has debunked global warming.

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