
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

RoPStupid People

Black Muslim Gangsta Arrested on Terror Charges

This Derrick Shareef was an angry Muslim, but then again, aren’t all Muslims angry? He traded stereo speakers to an undercover agent in exchange for 4 grenades and a pistol. He was planning on tossing grenades at shoppers in a crowded Cherryvale Mall in order to disrupt Christmas. He also wanted to stab Jews with a steak knife.

The affidavit is here. Most of the statements from Derrick Shareef read like a Michael Richards stand-up routine, what with all the N-word bombs dropped. The kid was poor, stupid, racist, and had to be driven to the scene of the terrorism by the undercover informant because he didn’t even have a car.
Here is a sample of what he wanted to do…

“I’m ready man, these Kafirs (infidels) don’t give a damn about us, niggers don’t care what happens to the Umma (muslims), about sisters getting raped, about brothers losing their (unintelligible). I would have eventually ended up just stabbing the shit outta some Jews or something. Just stabbing them niggers with a steak knife.”

Yeah, I hope they keep his stupid ass in the jail for a very long time. But I don’t think that the FBI captured any sort of a criminal mastermind.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

One thought on “Black Muslim Gangsta Arrested on Terror Charges

  • Jayce

    GRRRR i hate the ones that call themselves “black muslims” the ummah is supposed to establish one body of muslims as a whole, not between race, gender, or cultural background. these black muslims aren’t actually muslims at all! they say that a man, human man, wallace fard, had Allah in him, that wallace was god, and some other guy was Muhammad (peace be on him), and this group was purely hatred against whites, and racism against any race is wrong in islam. These stupid, arrogant, filthy infidels should all die for their blasphemous ways. I myself, am NOT racist, but, blacks always have black colleges, and black pride, black history month, what if whites had WHITE colleges, WHITE pride, WHITE history month? doesn’t that sound completely racist? Again, I am not racist in any way, i just want to clear up the misconceptions of the “black muslims”

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