
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

Stupid People

Laugh of the Day: Gwyneth Thinks YOU are Stupid

The idiot American Airhead Actress Gwyneth Paltrow thinks that Americans are less intelligent- based on dinner conversations, apparently. Oh, and Madonna gives the best advice ever. I wonder if Madonna told Gwyneth to engage in cupping? Or was that Gwyneth’s brilliant brainchild?

Cupping Bruises on Gwynny's Back

From AFP here:

Oscar-winning US actress Gwyneth Paltrow feels dinner talk is far more interesting in her adopted homeland Britain than back in her native country.

“I love the English lifestyle, it’s not as capitalistic as America. People don’t talk about work and money, they talk about interesting things at dinner.”

The British are much more intelligent and civilized than the Americans,” the 34-year-old added.

She said having US pop star Madonna, 48, who married British film director Guy Ritchie six years ago, nearby was another advantage to living in London.

“She’s like an older sister. Everything I have gone through, she went through ten times worse and ten times longer. She gives me good advice about how to say no and take care of myself,” said Paltrow.

I have nothing against the Brits. And yes, having English Tea is quite an amazing difference in cultures between here and there. But that doesn’t make Americans “less intelligent.”

In fact, if you want to rate intelligence, I would put anyone who engages in phony new age medical barbarities such as “cupping” just above the naked mole rat on the intelligence scale. But if you also name your daughter after the first thing you spot in the room after you squeeze the kid out- such as an apple in a fruit basket- well, then the naked mole rat moves up one notch on that scale. Gwynny, STFU.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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