
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


LonelyGirl15’s Creators Speak Out

The jig is up. Anyone who still does not realize that the video blogs by YouTube’s Lonelygirl15 are fake should take notice. The fictional character of Bree is played by a young actress named Jessica Rose.

From the UPI here:

The aspiring California filmmakers behind the popular lonelygirl15 Web site have said they were surprised at the attention garnered by their creation.

Med school dropout Miles Beckett, screenwriter Mesh Flinders, and lawyer Greg Goodfried said they created lonelygirl15 after they met at a mutual friend’s birthday party in April, The New York Times reported Wednesday.

The three men started posting video blog entries featuring actress Jessica Rose portraying a home-schooled girl named Bree in June. Hundreds of thousands of Internet viewers on Web sites including YouTube questioned and debated the authenticity of the videos, which seemed to hint at a satanic plotline involving Bree’s family.

During the saga, the men became clients of the Creative Artists Agency in Beverly Hills.

“We did this with zero resources. Anybody could do what we did,” Flinders said Tuesday. He said the filmmakers used only “two desk lamps (one broken), an open window and a $130 camera” to film the segments.

“Our goal was to tell a very realistic fictional story in this medium,” Beckett said.

I tuned in to watch the webisodes as well and was intrigued at first. But as the storyline progressed, it became apparent that much of it was being contrived. If you want to see a cute girl video blogging and keeping it real, check out Bethany at RealVerse.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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