
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

Stupid People

Crazy Women Not Allowed To Drive Time Machines

The disgusting grief pimp of a woman, Cindy Sheehan, whose brave son gave his life for the country in Iraq, fantasizes about using a time machine to travel back in history so she can commit infanticide on George W. Bush.

Time machines may indeed exist, who knows? But if they do exist, one thing is for certain- crazy people are not allowed to drive them.

From Radaronline here:

Cindy Sheehan: Confessions of a Dangerous Mom

The right-wingers who think nothing but the worst of Cindy Sheehan probably won’t change their minds after reading Peace Mom. In the book, which hits bookstores September 19, the antiwar icon admits she has fantasized about going back in time and killing the infant George W. Bush, thereby preventing the Iraq War. In fact, she reveals, her son’s death in that war almost drove her to take her own life: “Every night I had to restrain myself from taking my entire bottle of sleeping pills instead of just one.”

Never mind that Cindy could use a time machine to alert the United States about 9/11. Or warn America about the Pearl Harbor attack. No, this anti-war activist has no interest in preventing wars. She only wants to murder children named George. Filthy, disgusting, crazy bitch.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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