
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


4th July Clowns

I am not too sure when it was in my life that I started hating clowns. I don’t recall being frightened of them as a child, or traumatized by them at a circus. They just simply freak me out. Maybe its the big floppy shoes. Maybe its the white makeup. Maybe its the bulbous red nose. Or the stupid tie and suspenders.

The Herndon 4th of July celebration was Maggoty with Clowns.

I have never seen Stephen King’s “It” nor “Killer Clowns from Outer Space.” And I don’t plan on seeing those movies any time soon.

Maybe its that I think, that if I were to be a criminal or a pedophile who had my big mug plastered all over the Post Office’s Most wanted list, I would think the best way to stay near to children and hide my identity would be to dress like a clown.

Don’t write me with hate emails. I completely understand that the vast majority of clowns are just normal people with odd compulsions to dress funny. Not all of them are murderers like John Wayne Gacy.

I went to the Herndon July 4th celebration and there were two of those bastards there.

Notice how the asian kid is not at all impressed by the chubby white man’s large black inflatable phallic symbol, which he then proceeds to twist into likenesses of animals. The kid’s body language suggests that he is “just here to get a baloon critter, and please, for the love of God, don’t touch me.”

This clown has a big red Derby and has apparantly lost control of his Balloon Figurines. The little girl cautiously keeps her distance from the huge bright yellow wig. Obviously, the clown is wearing a prisoner’s uniform of black and white stripes. His bulging biceps are tatooed with Aryan screeds, but the prison uniform hides those from casual photographers.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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