
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

CyberYou're Fired!

Troll Women Run Department of Energy Cyber Infrastructure

NNSA CIO Linda Wilbanks needs to be fired. She allowed personally identifiable information to be stolen from the NNSA, and she has no idea what it takes to secure a federal network. This dumpy ball of ineptitude is a school teacher, but because she has impressive degrees, she gets thrown into the role of protecting the nation’s nuclear secrets.

Her resume lists her as having previously served at Nasa Goddard, which had a long history of embarrassing public incidents, such as the home page getting repeatedly hacked, defaced, passwords stolen, and network systems used as warez sites and other hacker havens. She did a lousy job at Goddard, so she gets moved out and made to work at NNSA, where she allows hackers to delve into the personal information of its employees. Great job, Linda!

And that’s not all! Take a gander at these lovely ladies who are all in charge at the highest levels of the Department of Energy to protect the Nation’s nuclear secrets by ensuring that the cyber infrastructures are secure. Funny, but I don’t think these frumpy trolls know how to properly work their own word processors, much less lock down ACL’s on routers, apply security patches to servers, and correlate cyber attack data to look for intrusions.

Pictured above is Linda Wilbanks, center, and the left is Charlotte Lindsey, the CIO of Los Alamos Labs, a woman so troll-like that Los Alamos Labs refuses to even show her picture on her own CIO webpage! At right is Carolyn Zerkle, another clueless beaurocrat in charge of IT systems at LANL. Take a look at how these idiots put out long emails about IT philosophy, and using focus groups to determine how best to run a network. Its mind-boggling.

Linda Wilbanks has been promoted way above her skillset. She should quit now or be fired over the data leak at NNSA. From SearchCIO.Com:

With 20 years of teaching experience and four degrees under her belt, including a Ph.D. in computer science, Linda Wilbanks went back to school when she realized her students were gaining more real-world experience than she had.

She applied for a faculty fellowship at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, and today she’s the CIO of the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA). Wilbanks recently talked with about how she keeps learning on the job — and how something called earned value management keeps her on track.

Continuing to learn seems to be a priority for you. How do you make that part of your job?
Wilbanks: It’s through talking to people that are in your field and making acquaintances with people who do your job in another agency. Because none of the people in the federal field have enough money to do what they want to do, we have to learn from each other. I sit on some committees and try to attend one or two conferences a year.

How do you keep employees motivated?
Wilbanks: They’ve got to have a balance in their life. We also do fun things; we have a door decorating contest for Christmas. You try to say thank you when you can. I respect them as people…

Do you see yourself teaching again in the future?
Wilbanks: In about 10 years I would like to retire and teach high school math.

Fine. Go teach. DOE needs to take the job of IT Security seriously, and a good start would be to fire the Troll Women of the DOE.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

6 thoughts on “Troll Women Run Department of Energy Cyber Infrastructure

  • The above poster is making some very cruel comments. I wish posters could stick to facts without hurling unkind and cruel comments at decent people. The above poster should be ashamed of him/herself. Criticize the actions of NNSA/DOE all you want but don’t demean decent people. For the record, Charlotte Lindsey has been the actiing CIO at LANL for about 2 years after the CIO left. This position is mostly a policy making position. She is now deputy CIO after LANS took over the contract to run LANL. She has excellent technical personnel supporting her. The new CIO at LANL is Mark Owens.
    We at LANL take cyber security very seriously and to imply otherwise is just plain wrong.

  • Soccer,
    Sorry, but it has been my experience that policy wonks do not make good managers. My comments were cruel? Was I harsh? So what? Deal with facts.
    Fact 1 is that Charlotte Lindsey is not qualified to run the cyber security division for LANL. I did not post a rant about her underlings, and I give exactly two shits whether or not she is a “Decent” person.
    Fact 2 is that, given the huge budgetary boon, the security division wanted to run focus groups instead of giving network operators what they needed to do their job.

    You say Lindsey is out? Good. ‘Bout time.

    LANL can take cyber security as seriously as they want. They need to execute to make sure that it actually works. There have been several highly publicized cyber security incidents at LANL, and these are due directly because of mismanagement by Lindsey and her ilk.

  • I still feel your comments are harsh and not helpful plus you keep stating incorrect things. How about dealing with the real facts? Charlotte Lindsey never ran the “cyber security division” at LANL. You are referring the S division parts of which are now in a new IST division. The CIO position has always been a policy making one with very little “clout”. That may change with the new contractor.

    So, Pat, next time get your facts straightsand quit using insults. They are not needed and demean your position.

  • Of course the comments sound harsh. Its called criticism. As far as trying to help? That’s not the purpose of this post. The purpose of this post is to point out that troll-like women, who are career beaurocrats, have been elevated to very important positions for which they lack the qualifications to do the same job in any comparable civilian organization.

    I dont care if its a policy position. Guess what? The federal government, specifically NIST implements guidelines. The only policy needed for LANL would be to implement those guidelines.

    Every other federal agency does it. Even those other comparable agencies that is a partnership between federal and scientific communities.

    I stand behind my facts as stated originally- These women are troll-like and incompetent to do the jobs to which they were appointed.

  • bayaryaan

    I agree with the original post. These women are clearly incompetent. The one on the left, in the red jacket with the wandering eye, looks like Igor the Hunchback. The middle one is clearly going for the Tootsie look. What are they reading? Some wiro-bound folders with colorful charts. Have these IT luminaries discovered PowerPoint presentations yet?
    Just looking at these women makes me very, very angry. I’d be willing to wager large amounts of cash that none of these women could configure the security on an Airport Extreme base station.

  • Baryaryaan,
    You know, when I was researching the data leak at NNSA I came across this photo and my first emotion was also anger. Most federal organizations have excellent CIO’s and a great staff and sound leadership, and these “ladies” dont appear to be IT experts at all.

    I never really noticed the wiro-bound flippy charts. I guess they took that job to Kinko’s.

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