
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

CyberYou're Fired!

Blue Frog Quits

Bluesecurity throws in the towel. They are surrendering to a Russian Spammer. This is a sad day for BlueSecurity, and I suspect that their troubles will not cease with the cessation of their anti-spam business. Perhaps they are facing liability issues connected with the cyber war?


Over the past few months we were able to leverage the power of the Blue Community and convince top spammers responsible for sending over 25% of the world’s spam to comply with our users’ opt-out list. We were making real progress in eliminating spam from the lives of our users.

However, several leading spammers viewed this change as a strategic threat to their spam business. The week before last, these spammers launched a series of attacks against us, taking down hundreds of thousands of other websites via a massive Denial-of-Service attack and causing damage to ISPs, website owners and Internet users worldwide. They also began a relentless campaign of email intimidation against many members of the Blue Community.

After recovering from the attack, we determined that once we reactivated the Blue Community, spammers would resume their attacks. We cannot take the responsibility for an ever-escalating cyber war through our continued operations.

As we cannot build the Blue Security business on the foundation we originally envisioned, we are discontinuing all of our anti-spam activities on your behalf and are exploring other, non spam-related avenues for our technological developments. As much as it saddens us, we believe this is the responsible thing to do.

Read my previous articles here, which document the entire cyber war between Bluesecurity and Pharmamaster the spammer.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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