
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Mater Candy

Mater Candy, originally uploaded by BelchSpeak.

We made it as far down the Russian River Valley wine tasting as the Hop Kiln Winery, where Cartney was able to try to enjoy his Mater Lollipop- a piece of candy that is lollipop on the mouth side and mater teeth on the outside.

It was shortly after this photo was snapped that Cartney dropped his candy on the winery floor where it shattered into shards that were immediately covered with hairs from Californians. Jess stopped him from putting any of the shards back in his mouth, and then Cartney looked at us distressed and insisted that we “buy more mater teeth!”

Jess dragged him out of the crowded winery screaming while I tried to enjoy a couple of more pours of wine. I left with the Pinot Grigio. I found a frazzled Jess and a sobbing almost-four-year-old in the car. And thus ends our tour of the California Wineries. **Le Sigh**

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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