
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Lack of Animal Protein is What Makes Vegans So Bitchy

Meet Susan Levin. She is a fake doctor with a fake degree in a fake medical field and is also a starving Vegan.

When she is not busy craving steak and eggs, she is writing bitchy letters to people and sports teams she has never met begging them to put retarded warning labels on food.

Case in point is the letter to the Michigan Whitecaps minor league baseball team who dreamed up this amazing 20 dollar burger:

The AP’s caption reads:

Josh Kowalczyk, an intern with the West Michigan Whitecaps, in Comstock Park, Mich. poses for a photo March 24, 2009. The $20 burger will feature a sesame-seed bun made from a pound of dough, five 1/3-pound beef patties, five slices of cheese, nearly a cup of chili and liberal doses of salsa and corn chips.

I wouldn’t eat this monstrosity myself- I would share it with my family. 20 bucks for a generously portioned, tasty meal is a good deal. It certainly doesn’t deserve a letter from a bitchy busybody who spreads lies about science and how meat is the cause of cancer.

And given that one of her own vegan coworkers, Simon Chaitowitz, is absolutely maggoty with cancer sorta disproves Susan Levin’s preposterous claims that meat causes cancer, doesn’t it?

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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