
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

Stupid People

A Survival Story

Your father was a veteran of the long and brutal Iran/Iraq war, but managed to bring you into the world. For years you toiled to make a meager living and you somehow managed to avoid Saddam Hussein’s rape and torture centers. Some of your extended family weren’t as fortunate. They were jailed and simply never heard from again. You barely missed the conscription age when Saddam marched his forces into Kuwait, so you did not have to fight in the first Gulf War. You stayed at home and didn’t visit your Kurdish relatives on the day that Saddam launched a gas attack against them in retaliation for their insurgency against his government. You had to flee years later when the US forces invaded in 2003 and had to move frequently to avoid violence from terrorists and insurgent forces. Finally, when peace returned to your Baghdad suburb, you could celebrate a wedding with your friends and family and your toddler child.

And then you forgot to engage the safety.

The guy wasn’t even drunk. I don’t understand cultures where its okay to fire guns into the air in celebration. If the guy gets out of the hospital alive, he should enroll his kid in firearm safety classes. Thanks to Tuffer for the link!

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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