
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

Stupid People

Dennis Rodman Checks Into Rehab for Dictator Addiction

Crazed former NBA star Dennis Rodman spent a few weeks getting shitfaced in North Korea. He finally made it back to America and stumbled off the plane and went right into a rehab facility to treat alcoholism. Or maybe he’s getting treatment for kissing the asses of dictators.


From Fox here:

Dennis Rodman has checked into an undisclosed alcohol rehabilitation center to treat his long-time struggle with alcoholism.

Rodman recently returned to the United States from his latest trip to North Korea.

He later apologized for comments he made in North Korea about a detained American missionary, saying he had been drinking and was under pressure as he organized an exhibition game there. He also sang “Happy Birthday” to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un at the start of the friendly game.

“What was potentially a historic and monumental event turned into a nightmare for everyone concerned,” Prince said. “Dennis Rodman came back from North Korea in pretty rough shape emotionally. The pressure that was put on him to be a combination `super human’ political figure and `fixer’ got the better of him.

He organized a group of retired NBA players to travel to North Korea for that exhibition game. Rodman dedicated the contest to his “best friend” Kim, who along with his wife and other senior officials and their wives watched from a special seating area. The capacity crowd of about 14,000 at the Pyongyang Indoor Stadium clapped loudly as Rodman sang a verse from the song.

Rodman had an angry meltdown before the game on CNN, defending his decision to travel to North Korea.

Rodman’s a crazed, self-obsessed freak who is endangering his own life with his fraternization with the Norkie Dictator, who just recently executed members of his own family. Maybe kicking the booze will help him, but somehow I doubt it.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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