
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Taliban Monitoring Facebook?

The New York Post has a horrifying article in the paper describing how the Taliban hunted down and slaughtered the Christian Charity Workers. They were able to track the group because one of its members were writing on Facebook about their movements through Afghanistan.

From the Post here:

Ten aid workers, including Tom Little and British doctor Karen Woo, were slain in an Afghan province where the police (above) are led by a chief with dubious loyalties. His answer was a blow from the butt of an AK-47 — and a bullet to the gut.

Two women with Little made a desperate bid to escape by climbing into a nearby ATV. But a Taliban goon calmly lobbed a hand grenade into the vehicle, killing them both.

British aid worker Karen Woo was lashed across the face by a gunman wielding a Kalashnikov. She fell face-first onto the stony track, and the gunman shot her twice in the back.

The team’s cook was fatally shot as he hid beneath an ATV.

One by one, the entire team — Little, Woo, five other Americans, one German and two Afghans — were wiped out.

Little and his group were tracked and executed for the perceived sin of preaching Christianity.

Little and the others were part of the Christian charity International Assistance Mission, which has denied the group was doing anything but rendering medical aid to the needy.

It appears the Taliban tracked the medical team for days. Other intelligence sources said the group’s Facebook page may have alerted the Taliban to the trekkers’ intentions before they had reached Nuristan.

If you have family serving in Afghanistan, be careful about what you write on their Facebook page.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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