
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Florida Judges and Lawyers Can’t Friend Each Other

In a bizarre collision of social networking and ethics, an Advisory Committee in Florida has ruled that it is improper for judges to have lawyers as Facebook friends because it could show “influential treatment.”

From CNSNews here:

Florida’s judges and lawyers should no longer “friend” each other on Facebook, the popular social networking site, according to a ruling from the state’s Judicial Ethics Advisory Committee.

At least one South Florida judge warned her pals with a Facebook status update that they could be “unfriended,” and the ruling has prompted others to do the same. The committee ruled Nov. 17 that online “friendships” could create the impression that lawyers are in a special position to influence their judge friends.

And in other news, people want to be friends with Florida lawyers.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

One thought on “Florida Judges and Lawyers Can’t Friend Each Other

  • Gregory of Prescott

    Uh, so judges (former attorneys) cannot be ONLINE “friends” with lawyers (future judges) in the make belive, fantasy world of social networking. Of course being ACTUAL friends, playing golf together, and attending ACTUAL social functions, where people ACTUALLY meet and talk to each other, IN PERSON, is normal and comes with no restriction. Wonks in action.

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