
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Saudi Judge Says It’s Okay to Bitch Slap Your Wife

At a conference on preventing domestic abuse, a judge said that when men bitch slap their wives for spending too much money it’s because the bitch had it coming! Now you know what all those women’s bee-keeper suits (the abaya) are for in Saudi Society: It helps cover up the bruises.

From ArabNews.Com here with thanks to StilettosInTheSand:

A Jeddah court judge’s approval of husbands slapping their wives on the face if they spend money lavishly on unnecessary things triggered a hue and cry during a seminar on domestic violence here recently.

“If a person gives SR1,200 to his wife and she spends SR900 to purchase an abaya (the black gown) from a brand shop and if her husband slaps her on the face as a reaction to her action, she deserves that punishment,” said Judge Hamad Al-Razine.

The judge made this comment in the presence of Princess Adila bint Abdullah, deputy chairperson of the National Family Safety Program, who attended the seminar on the role of judicial and security institutions in preventing domestic violence.

Al-Razine also pointed out that women’s indecent behavior and use of offensive words against their husbands were some of the reasons for domestic violence in the country.

In other words women can protest about domestic violence all they want, but the judges will continue to ignore them.  Nice religion you got there, Islam.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

34 thoughts on “Saudi Judge Says It’s Okay to Bitch Slap Your Wife

  • AlaskanInfidel

    In islamic countries, when there’s a seminar on domestic violence, it’s not about stopping the violence…it’s about how to properly beat ones wife.

    islam is a lie and Truth is killing it.

  • Do not circulate



  • AlaskanInfidel

    Gee Aneesa,
    You typed quite a few words but did nothing to prove any poster wrong.
    Disbelievers? Do you mean infidels? Kuffars? Call us what you will, islam was the creation of a pedophile. A desert bandit/mass murderer who sought to enrich himself and satisfy his many sexual perversions. Deny this if you will but the facts lie in the koran and in the surahs and hadiths. Deny your own “holy” writings if you will, that’s your problem. Does the name Father Botros ring a bell? Argue with him…if you can.

    No islam…Know Peace…Know islam…throw up.

  • AlaskanInfidel

    Is this also piece of misinformation? Is this some form of prejudice. Nope. Just fact. Defend this…
    An Afghan bill allowing a husband to starve his wife if she refuses to have sex has been published in the official gazette and become law.

  • Nice. Of course, the Abaya will also help cover up those exposed ribs, along with the bruises from all of the beatings.

  • funnygirl

    yes, that judge is a cruel, lunatic who will go to hell

    but not all muslims belive that, i dont! i hate this! everyone should be treated equally…….just becuase some muslims r doing this doesnt mean that all of them do this crap….those stupid extremists give us all muslims a bad name!

  • Maybe you should convert to christianisty. It might save your fool life. In the Christian religion women and men are allowed to pray together, but they don’t have to do it five times per day. And you can pray on your feet, not on your knees.

  • AlaskanInfidel

    The fact is funygirl, once a country’s muslim population reaches a certain point,they begin to make demands of the citizenry. It begins with a special place to pray, a footbath, special rules for banking that are sharia compliant. The more they are given, the more they demand until their demands are made with threats of violence. more and more accomadations are made until one day…the country has become an islamic one and all freedoms are gone. Only the reiligious police have power and the people, particularly the women, suffer under the yoke of a totalitarian system that allows no dissent. Look at Saudi Arabia and the state of women there. They are treated as cattle, children with not rights. This is what islam holds for you. This is your future if good men remain silent and allow the slavery of islam to spread.
    Want to learn something about your religion? Join us at You will have a chance to defend your religion and perhaps learn something about how your religion views you as a woman. You will find Hindus and Sikhs, Buddhists and Jews, Christians and atheists there, all united against the religion of Blood and Death that is islam.
    Here’s a good place to start.

    Son of Hamas top dog: Moderate Islam does not exist.

  • it is not religion it is patriarchal society, there is a huge difference. The relgion is actually liberating, however not in the western sense of liberty, it gives women respect, why did yvonnne Ridley become muslim, she was respected! islam gives women rights too that to own, to run a business even prophet mohammed’s (pbuh)wife was a business women,and he worked for her! women are encouraged to educate themselves after all they are the educater from birth for a child. The last talk given by the prophet (pbuh) on his death bed was “be kind to your wives”.You are not allowed to beat them! please research before making unfounded comments!

  • Muhammad’s wife was a business woman? The six year old girl he married?

    You are allowed to beat muslim women, despite what that rotten goat herder said on his death bed. I have researched it, and the article above is accurate. I love how Muslim women have fantasies that they aren’t really oppressed slaves.

  • Hi pat that is your interpretation, i am a post graduate with masters and a muslim woman, all my brothers and sisters are holders of 2 degrees each, professionals doctors, dentists, pharmacists. He prophet Mohammed may have married/committed to this girl but i am talking about his wife hazarat khadija who he out lived, who was the business woman, who was also the only wife who bore him children. i can see how deep you have researched stating he had only this 6 year old wife yet not having any knowledge of others. Her name was Aisha she outlived him and you know what the thought or reasoning behind that was? to spread the religion after he had gone.So please do not think that we are disillusioned, because we very much live in the real world. i again reiterate that islam is a liberating religion, i have a wesrtern/white Aunt who became muslim because she did not like night clubs what was the norm for british/white women to find a spouse and found it to be degrading to women as she says they were effectively prostituting themselves! By the way part of my study at an English university was Womens Study i am British and a social scientist, so please


  • Furthermore, you know while i was studing womens study at my english university, we also studied that feminism had gone wrong and now women had become slaves in the western world, because they nhave to go out to do paid employment, when they return home, they start their next duty, looking after the home and in case you have not noticed men are becoming more and more relaxed as they are no longer the main bread winner.The women have childcare duties too. So who really is the slaave it is the western woman. i personally would prefer to look after my child and home despite being a post-graduate and let the mengo out to work, do you see it now. Oh and as for bthe 6 year old, he did not begin a full relationship with her as she was a minor until she became an an adult, and more than likely she would have remained with her biological parents until adult and her send off, have a 5 year old and i would not let her out of my sight until she is an please wake up and face the truth

  • Your education sure doesn’t help your grammar and writing skills. And it sure doesn’t make you smart. The fact that muslim men are allowed to beat women, and even commanded to do so in your so-called holy book is still a fact, and no amount of denial on your part and no number of educational degrees you attain can change the truth on this.

    This is not my “interpretation” as you put it. In fact, seeing how stubborn and thick headed you are I am beginning to understand the necessity to show you muslim women the back of the hand.

    And Muhammad was fucking Aisha when she was 7 and no amount of denial can change the fact that your so-called “prophet” was a depraved child molester.

  • i am aware of my mistakes as i was in a hurry however, i am also looking after my child so there you go. i totally disagree with you, i do not generalise or stereotype that is only for the uneducated. At the end of the day you were not there, otherwise you would be a miracle, to accuse anyone of what they did or did not, let them rest in peace. You appear to be very Anti-Islam that is you choice, Islam teaches you not to run down anyone or their religion. So i will not argue with you ase i am better, and i shall rise above it.

  • Islam teaches not to run down anyone’s religion? What about the commandments to kill the infidels and the jews? And other religions can exist within countries that practice sharia, but they have to pay expensive fees and aren’t allowed to expand or upgrade their facilities.

    I’m not too sure you know so much about your own religion as you seem extremely baffled by the facts.

  • AlaskanInfidel

    islam teaches good muslims to kill the unbelievers wherever you may find them…to smite at their necks.
    68% of your koran calls for death to a variety of groups. Jews foremost and then all the unbelievers. That’s me. An Infidel. Your religion calls for the conversion of all mankind or that they pay the jizya or die.
    In Egypt, the Copts are being slaughtered by your peaceful fellow muslims. In Malmo elderly survivors of the Holocaust are harassed and attacked by hooded muslim “youths” who are forcing them to flee once again from those that would do them harm. In the Phillipines bombings and behaedings in the namne of islam are commonplace now.
    In Saudi Arabia, keeper of the two holy places, there are no, ZERO churches. Bibles are confiscated at the border and images of any other religion are blurred or censored on TV. There i your land of enlightenced muslims, they just found a man guilty of…SORCERY! HA! Barbarians that believe in Jinns and Sorcery. THAT is islam. Backwards and Barbaric.
    They do as the koran and the dead false prophet demand. Spread islam through terror.
    I really love the part there where you say “I am better and i shall rise above it”
    What you mean to say is that it is difficult to defend islam and this is how I shall escape this debate. It also demonstrates the common muslim belief that, simply by being a muslim, you are “better” than those who are not muslim. It’s called muslim supremacy. You may have heard of it.
    Aisha? She was 6 when mo the pedophile married her and 9 when he raped her. One does not have consensual sex with a 9 year old girl. She had to clean the semen from his garments leaving water still standing on his clothes when he went to prayer. these things are from your own holy writings, so if you don’t like it burn them.
    He enjoyed sucking on the tongues of young boys and girls. He had sex with a corpse…Necro-curious? He enjoyed having men…lick his chest.
    and…is Camel urine pure? Read your holy writings before you answer. gross…
    Let’s cut to the chase. Are you Sunni or Shia?
    How do you feel about the Ayatollah Khomeini?… then we can proceed with the discussion on islam.
    By the way, I do not hate muslims, I hate islam and see you as the victim thereof. Your religion is a form of totalitarian government in the guise of a religion. Nothing more.
    Within the past year there was a gathering of islamic clerics where they discussed amongst other things, how to properly beat ones wife. The specified the type of instrument that should be used for beatings and other particulars. So… can that garbage you’re trying to sell and tell it to someone who doesn’t know better.
    I await your view of the Ayatollah Khomeini. Perhaps then we’ll discuss “thighing”.
    No islam…Know Peace.
    Know islam…throw up!

  • oh my god, i know i know who you are your the greatest scholar we have all been in the search for to enlighten us what our religion is all about, wow i am pleased to meet you.Oh is that a white women being slapped by her man in the picture above oh my god it is, there is nothing muslim and Arab about the picture now is there. you are a wally

  • AlaskanInfidel

    Nope. No scholar I. So…are you so ashamed of your religion that you won’t answer my question about which form of islam you practice?
    I’ll guess that you follow the teachings of the Ayatollah as you are too cowardly to admit it. I would be as well. Is that the case? Come on…confess…it will do your heart and soul good.
    I know who Hirsi Ali is. do you? I know who Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer are. Do you?
    I know what thighing is. Do you? I now what’s in your “holy writings”. Do you?
    I noticed that you denied nothing that I wrote. you instead attacked me, the messenger instead of denying the message. Because you know that what I wrote about mo the pervert is true and you can’t deny it. Sux to be you.
    About that “White woman” in the picture. In case you didn’t know it, muslim is not a race. Pat was trying to interject a little humor in to another islamic horror story. Oh…I forgot. There is no humor in islam. So sayeth the Ayatollah Khomeini. Even I know that.
    I know who your scholars are and I read what they write. Call them liars. Deny what they say…and deny your own religion.’
    and…If I’m a wally you must be the beaver.

    islam is a lie and
    Truth is killing it.

  • AlaskanInfidel

    And Shazzam…
    I wouldn’t be bragging about my English skills if I were you.
    Your punctuation, spelling…atrocious. You should have studied harder and paid attention to your teacher.

  • please the first thing you must learn is learn to spell someones name!it just shows ignorance if you cannot do that! And i am not bragging but i do speak six languages, so now i am bragging. You must have other things to do as you western women are in the slave trade, go out go to work, come home, work, my God!i love my life, i can do what i please, i own, severel business, which i have other people like you run them “the Monkey” as my brother in law would say.Islam is increasing get out in the real world, look around you.

  • So you do see non believers as monkeys, huh? How profoundly bigoted of you.

  • And Ms. Malik, I know you are under investigation by the British authorities after having absconded with your daughter to Ireland. Now you are making me think they may be right about your abuse.

    They might want to look for you in the Clarion Hotel Liffey Valley in Dublin. Nice 4star hotel you are hiding in. You’d think that someone with as many educational degrees as you claim to have would be smarter than to post racist screeds on the blog of a cyber-security expert when she’s on the run from the law.

  • you know what you need to get your facts right and get a life. You also need to stop imposing your intepretations on others god you are thick. Also no one is after me,so do what you want think what you like, we are sick and tired of interfering, imposing busy bodies just like you with a bee in their bonnet! so please go and mind your own business oh i forgot you are a typical english who cannot do that. you go around causing trouble everywhere you are truly the devils in action. Assume what you like i am not bothered the Irish hate the English and you know why because they interfered with them, they enslaved them they made them inter-breed shame shame on you. The Iish are supporting us, the english have no jurisdiction/power over here. The irish hate the english and they think they are stupid and have no morals and are interfering. As i saids before you are entitled to you opinion and i am entitled to mine, you need to learn to respect and accept that.

  • Silly rabbit, if no one is after you, why are you running? If you are wanted in the UK, you can certainly be extradited to stand trial.

    I don’t impose interpretations on anyone. I state facts. You take facts, twist them into your own interpretations and try to impose them on people.

    You are not entitled to spread lies about your religion when the facts are clearly set against your statements. And sorry, I really don’t have respect for Islamic supremacists that have a history of abusing her child.

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