
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Open Source Tools- Incident Map

I worked at DHS during a time when there was little funding and no applications developed to help me and my team do their jobs- which was essentially to take incident information related to cyber-security and use that information to help protect critical infrastructure.

That’s tough to do without tools. So we used whatever open source tools we could get our hands on. Most of those tools were very helpful, especially in researching internet attacks, origins, histories, etc. And it was good enough at the time to make DHS look effective. Tools were developed based on our requirements and they came online around the time of my departure.

One of the neatest open source tools around now is the “Global Incident Map.” This utility would make a great addition to any incident analyst’s toolbox. If you have a law enforcement, military or government job in a security center, this would be a flashy toy you can project on a screen, plus it has loads of information on terrorism, bombings, nuclear and chemical incidents, travel incidents and more.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

One thought on “Open Source Tools- Incident Map

  • nemoforone

    What about the possibility of pulling out of Iraq, letting Iran invade and lose resources fighting their own kind,
    and then come in and mop up the dregs?

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