
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Pentagon Knows Islam Causes Suicide Bombers

Even though the President won’t admit it, the Pentagon came to the conclusion that the religion of Islam is the root cause of the mindset that makes it okay to carry out suicide bombings.

From World Net Daily:

In public, the U.S. government has made an effort to avoid linking the terrorist threat to Islam and the Quran while dismissing suicide terrorists as crazed heretics who pervert Islamic teachings.

“The terrorists distort the idea of jihad into a call for violence and murder,” the White House maintains in its recently released “National Strategy for Combating Terrorism” report.

But internal Pentagon briefings show intelligence analysts have reached a wholly different conclusion after studying Islamic scripture and the backgrounds of suicide terrorists. They’ve found that most Muslim suicide bombers are in fact students of the Quran who are motivated by its violent commands.

In Islam, it is not how one lives one’s life that guarantees spiritual salvation, but how one dies, according to the briefings.

“Suicide in defense of Islam is permitted, and the Islamic suicide bomber is, in the main, a rational actor,” concludes a recent Pentagon briefing paper titled, “Motivations of Muslim Suicide Bombers.”

“His actions provide a win-win scenario for himself, his family, his faith and his God,” the document explains. “The bomber secures salvation and the pleasures of Paradise. He earns a degree of financial security and a place for his family in Paradise.

“And finally, because of the manner of his death, he is assured that he will find favor with Allah,” the briefing adds. “Against these considerations, the selfless sacrifice by the individual Muslim to destroy Islam’s enemies becomes a suitable, feasible and acceptable course of action.”

You have to attack the religion itself in order to defeat the religious tenets. Its a hard choice to make, but the Pentagon must consider the weaknesses of the enemy and choose to exploit those weaknesses.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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